Registered user since Wed 2 May 2018
Marco Autili is professor at the Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science, and Mathematics – University of L’Aquila. Home page: http://people.disim.univaq.it/marco.autili/
Marco graduated with honors in Computer Science at the University of L’Aquila in April 2004, and he received his PhD in Software Engineering in April 2008 with the best grade.
Marco collaborates with various companies around the world and he is (has been) involved in several EU and Italian research and development projects, as scientific coordinator, scientific and technical project leader, research unit coordinator, and work package leader. He is (co-)author of about a hundred publications in international journals, conference proceedings, and books. He is serving as reviewer for several international conferences, workshops, and top level international journals.
Main research areas are Software Engineering, Self-aware Computing, Automated Software Synthesis, Distributed Systems, Service-oriented Architecture, and Mobile Apps. In these areas, main research & development activities include (i) automated software synthesis for composing complex distributed systems, from system architecture to integration code, from coordination to protocol mediation/adaptation; (ii) modeling and analysis of complex distributed systems; (iii) automated synthesis of context-aware (mobile) applications; (iv) resource-oriented analysis of adaptable (mobile) applications; (v) formal specification and checking of temporal properties.
The list of publications can be found at: http://people.disim.univaq.it/marco.autili/publications.php
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