MOBILESoft 2022
Tue 17 - Wed 18 May 2022
co-located with ICSE 2022

Accepted Papers

Predicting The Energy Consumption Level of Java Classes in Android Apps: An Exploratory Analysis
NIER (Novel Ideas and Emerging Results)
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Quantifying Daily Evolution of Mobile Software Based on Memory Allocator Churn
NIER (Novel Ideas and Emerging Results)
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Towards Better mHealth Apps: Understanding Current Challenges and User Expectations
NIER (Novel Ideas and Emerging Results)

Call for Papers

MOBILESoft 2022 invites submissions for a NIER (Novel Ideas and Emerging Results) track. This track addresses the same topics of interest as those of the MOBILESoft 2022 technical research paper track. However, authors of NIER papers are encouraged to focus more on fledgling or unconventional perspectives. These may include: novel tools/studies reporting preliminary insights; new perspectives that call into question long held beliefs or conventions; bold visions of new directions in mobile software engineering and systems; novel (and potentially groundbreaking) interdisciplinary synergies; reproduction studies that call for new research focus, and, more in general, “bold visions” for our emerging community of software engineering for mobile systems. Note that thorough evaluation results are not required for NIER papers, but preliminary results providing initial support for the proposed visions, as well as negative preliminary results that seem to contradict those visions, are welcome.

Out of Scope

This track is not considered a “second tier” of MOBILESoft 2022 but rather an alternative track for fledgling or unconventional visions. Papers must not have been previously published or be under consideration elsewhere for publication. We solicit contributions from both academia and industry.

Submission Instructions

All submissions must conform to the MOBILESoft 2022 formatting and submission instructions available at for both LaTeX and Word users. LaTeX users must use the provided acmart.cls and ACM-Reference-Format.bst without modification, enable the conference format in the preamble of the document (i.e., \documentclass[sigconf,review,anonymous]{acmart}), and use the ACM reference format for the bibliography (i.e., \bibliographystyle{ACM-Reference-Format}). The review option adds line numbers, thereby allowing referees to refer to specific lines in their comments. The conference information can be set using the following command: \acmConference[MobileSoft’22]{The 9th International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems}{May 22–23, 2022}{Pittsburgh, PA, USA}.

All NIER submissions must not exceed 4 pages for the main text, inclusive of all figures, tables, appendices, etc. An extra page is allowed for references. All submissions must be in PDF. The page limit is strict, and it will not be possible to purchase additional pages at any point in the process (including after the paper is accepted).

Papers that do not conform to these guidelines will be desk rejected before the review process.

Submissions may be made through HotCrp at:

The MOBILESoft 2022 NIER track will adopt a double-anonymous review process. No submitted paper may reveal its authors’ identities. The authors must make every effort to honor the double-anonymous review process; reviewers will be asked to honor the double-anonymous review process as much as possible. Any author having further questions on double-blind reviewing is encouraged to contact the track’s program co-chairs by email. Any submission that does not comply with the double-blind review process will be desk-rejected. Further advice, guidance and explanation about the double-blind review process can be found in the Q&A page of ICSE:–q-a.

Evaluation Criteria

Each submission will be reviewed and evaluated by at least three program committee members in terms of the following quality criteria:

  • Value: whether the problem is worth exploring.
  • Impact: the potential for disruption of current practice.
  • Soundness: the validity of the rationale.
  • Quality: the overall quality of the paper’s writing.

The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM or IEEE Digital Libraries. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of ICSE 2022. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work. Purchases of additional pages in the proceedings is not allowed.

Tue 17 May 2022
MOBILESoft Industry Forum
MOBILESoft NIER (Novel Ideas and Emerging Results)
MOBILESoft Plenary
MOBILESoft Special Issue
MOBILESoft Student Research Competition
MOBILESoft Technical Papers
MOBILESoft Tool Demos and Mobile Apps
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Tue 17 May

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06:00 - 07:00
Opening SessionTechnical Papers / NIER (Novel Ideas and Emerging Results) / Special Issue / Student Research Competition / Industry Forum / Tool Demos and Mobile Apps / Plenary at MOBILESoft room
Chair(s): Leonardo Mariani University of Milano-Bicocca, Gemma Catolino Tilburg University & ​Jheronimus Academy of Data Science, Mei Nagappan University of Waterloo
Day opening
MOBILESoft Opening
Leonardo Mariani University of Milano-Bicocca, Gemma Catolino Tilburg University & ​Jheronimus Academy of Data Science, Mei Nagappan University of Waterloo
Machine Learning based Malware Detection in Android: There and Back Again!
Tegawendé F. Bissyandé SnT, University of Luxembourg
07:30 - 09:00
Session 1: Resource ConsumptionPlenary / Technical Papers / NIER (Novel Ideas and Emerging Results) at MOBILESoft room
Chair(s): Mei Nagappan University of Waterloo
Predicting The Energy Consumption Level of Java Classes in Android Apps: An Exploratory Analysis
NIER (Novel Ideas and Emerging Results)
Emanuele Iannone University of Salerno, Manuel De Stefano Università di Salerno, Fabiano Pecorelli Tampere University, Andrea De Lucia University of Salerno
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Quantifying Daily Evolution of Mobile Software Based on Memory Allocator Churn
NIER (Novel Ideas and Emerging Results)
Gunnar Kudrjavets University of Groningen, Jeff Thomas Facebook, Inc., Aditya Kumar Snap, Inc., Nachiappan Nagappan Microsoft Research, Ayushi Rastogi University of Groningen, The Netherlands
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
18:00 - 19:30
Session 2: Mobile Health and COVID-19Technical Papers / Plenary / NIER (Novel Ideas and Emerging Results) at MOBILESoft room
Chair(s): Haipeng Cai Washington State University, USA
Towards Better mHealth Apps: Understanding Current Challenges and User Expectations
NIER (Novel Ideas and Emerging Results)
Ben Philip Deakin University, Mohamed Abdelrazek Deakin University, Australia, Scott Barnett Deakin University, Alessio Bonti Deakin University, John Grundy Monash University
Questions? Use the MOBILESoft NIER (Novel Ideas and Emerging Results) contact form.