* ICSE 2018 *
Sun 27 May - Sun 3 June 2018 Gothenburg, Sweden
Marco Autili

Registered user since Wed 2 May 2018

Name:Marco Autili

Main Research & Development activities include:

Automated Software Synthesis for Composing Complex Distributed Systems, from System Architecture to Integration Code, from Coordination to Protocol Mediation/Adaptation;

Modeling and Analysis of Complex Distributed Systems;

Automated Synthesis of Context-aware (mobile) Applications;

Resource-oriented Analysis of Adaptable (mobile) Applications;

Formal Specification and Checking of Temporal Properties;

He actively works on the (from theory to practice) application of software engineering methods to the modeling, verification, analysis and automatic synthesis of complex distributed systems, and application of context-oriented programming and analysis techniques to the development of adaptable (mobile) applications.

Affiliation:University of L'Aquila, Italy
Research interests:Software Engineering, Distributed Systems, Context-oriented Programming, Mobile Systems, Formal Methods


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