Registered user since Wed 11 Sep 2019
Name:Eunkyoung Jee
Eunkyoung Jee is a research associate professor in School of Computing at KAIST in Republic of Korea. She was a postdoctoral researcher in the Computer and Information Science department at the University of Pennsylvania. She received her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from KAIST. Her research interest includes safety-critical software, software testing, formal method, and safety analysis.
Country:South Korea
Affiliation:KAIST, South Korea
Personal website: https://sites.google.com/se.kaist.ac.kr/ekjee
Research interests:Software Engineering, Software Testing, Formal Verification, Safety Analysis
- Session Chair of EnCyCriS part 1 (part of EnCyCriS 2023)
- Session Chair of Paper session 1 (part of EnCyCriS 2023)
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- Session Chair of Keynote EnCyCriS (part of EnCyCriS 2023)
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- Future of IT and OT - Research questions
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