Registered user since Tue 28 Feb 2023
Name:Raz Yerushalmi
I am a PhD student at the Weizmann Institute of Science, advised by Prof. David Harel and Prof. Guy Katz from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (co-supervising).
My research interests include Classical Specifications methods and behavioral programming, Deep Reinforcement Learning and the integration of both (CS, D-RL) in the context of reactive systems.
Spent about 30 years working for i-Logix, later Telelogic and IBM, developing modeling tools for engineers primarily in the Automotive and Aerospace industries.
Personal website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/raz-yerushalmi-b53a9a/
Research interests:Deep Reinforcement Learning, Classical Specifications methods and behavioral programming, in the context of reactive systems.
ICSE 2023-profile
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