Registered user since Mon 13 Feb 2023
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Münch is a Professor of Software Engineering, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation at Reutlingen University, Germany. Furthermore, he is associated with the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences at University of Hohenheim. Prior to this position, he has been the first Finland Distinguished Professor in the field of Software Systems at the University of Helsinki and head of its Software Systems Engineering Research Group.
Prof. Münch’s research interests include product management, product strategy, product design, startup methods, and measurement. Münch has been a principal investigator of numerous research and industrial development projects. Münch is the method creator of the WHEELS OF VALUE MODEL and has co-invented the GQM+Strategies method for aligning organizations through measurement.
Münch has been awarded the Distinguished Professor Award FiDiPro (endowed with €1.900.000) of Tekes, the IFIP TC2 Manfred Paul Award for Excellence in Software Theory and Practice, several best paper awards, the art and technology innovation award sponsored by the Rhineland-Palatinate Lotto Foundation and the community award of the Software Startups Global Research Network (SSRN). He has been chair of several renowned software engineering conferences such as the ACM/IEEE Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM).
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