Mon 2 - Wed 4 December 2024 Tartu, Estonia
Lidia López

Registered user since Mon 6 Apr 2020

Name:Lidia López

I have been received the PhD (Cum Laude) in Software from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in 2013, with the thesis titled The Notion of Specialization in the i* Framework (2013).

I am currently working as Researcher in the Software and Service Engineering Group (GESSI) at the Service and Information System Engineering Departament (ESSI) at the UPC. Previously, from 2007 to 2012, I worked as Assistant Teacher at the Computer Science Department Departament (CS) at the same University.

As a researcher I have been involved in some national and international projects. Currently, I am doing my research as part of the VISDOM ITEA-3 Project (Visual diagnosis for DevOps software development), previosly I was involved in Q-Rapids (H2020, 2016-2019) and RISCOSS (FP7, 2012-2015) as Workpackage Leader. I participated in the organization and belong to several program committees of international Workshops and Conferences.

My thesis has been conducted within the GESSI research group. The GESSI group conducts research in many fields of software engineering, with particular emphasis on requirements engineering, software quality, software architecture, service-oriented computing, open source software, software modeling and empirical research.

My thesis focused on the i* modeling language, which can be connected to requirements engineering and software modeling research lines. Concretely, it provides a formal proposal for the specialization relationship in the i* framework that allows its use in a well-defined manner. My current research lines are more aligned to decision-support techniques, always trying to connect to strategic goals.

Affiliation:Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Research interests:Requirements Engineering, Software Quality, OSS, Software Modeling and Empirical Research


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