SAS 2022
Mon 5 - Wed 7 December 2022 Auckland, New Zealand
co-located with SPLASH 2022
Geoff Kaufman

Registered user since Sat 19 Nov 2022

Name:Geoff Kaufman

Geoff Kaufman is the Robert E. Kraut Associate Professor of Social Computing in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. His research applies psychological theories and methods of persuasive design to the creation of games, digital interactive narrative experiences, and conversational tools that aim to improve communication, build empathy, and reduce social and cognitive biases. His research lab’s work has been published in top-tier social science and media studies journals, has earned Best Paper awards at leading HCI and game design conferences, and has been featured in venues such as Entertainment Weekly, Scientific American, and Wired. Geoff is the former head of research for the Tiltfactor game design laboratory at Dartmouth College, where he oversaw the development of two commercially successful card games, Buffalo and Awkward Moment, with demonstrated effectiveness at reducing gender and racial bias.

Country:United States
Affiliation:Carnegie Mellon University


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