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ECOOP and ISSTA 2021
Sun 11 - Sat 17 July 2021 Online

At the Discussions with Experts sessions, you can join informal discussions on a range of research topics related to ECOOP and ISSTA.

At each session, a couple of invited experts will be present. The sessions take place via Zoom and are not being recorded.

Thu 15 Jul 2021
Fri 16 Jul 2021
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Thu 15 Jul

Displayed time zone: Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris change

20:20 - 21:00
Advances in TestingDiscussions with Experts at Discussions with Experts (room 1)
Chair(s): Sebastian Elbaum University of Virginia, Annibale Panichella Delft University of Technology; University of Luxembourg
Advances in Testing
Discussions with Experts
Annibale Panichella Delft University of Technology; University of Luxembourg, Sebastian Elbaum University of Virginia
20:20 - 21:00
Specification and Implementation of Type SystemsDiscussions with Experts at Discussions with Experts (room 2)
Chair(s): Sebastian Erdweg JGU Mainz, Eelco Visser Delft University of Technology
Specification and Implementation of Type Systems
Discussions with Experts
Eelco Visser Delft University of Technology, Sebastian Erdweg JGU Mainz
20:20 - 21:00
Practical Static Analysis and Bug FindingDiscussions with Experts at Discussions with Experts (room 3)
Chair(s): Murali Krishna Ramanathan Uber Technologies Inc., Michael Pradel University of Stuttgart
Practical Static Analysis and Bug Finding
Discussions with Experts
Murali Krishna Ramanathan Uber Technologies Inc., Michael Pradel University of Stuttgart

Fri 16 Jul

Displayed time zone: Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris change

03:20 - 04:00
Testing/Analysis and ML/DL 1 Discussions with Experts at Discussions with Experts (room 1)
Chair(s): Satish Chandra Facebook, Yang Liu Nanyang Technological University

We will be discussing:

  1. What are the common or different things in traditional testing vs DL testing? Coverage criteria, mutation operators, regression testing and so on.

  2. How to test or analyse different types of networks like FNN/RNN/DRL? What are the common methods we can follow, and what are the adaptations we need?

  3. How to apply testing/analysis in different applications domains (e.g., security)

Testing/Analysis and ML/DL 1
Discussions with Experts
Satish Chandra Facebook, Yang Liu Nanyang Technological University
03:20 - 04:00
Symbolic ExecutionDiscussions with Experts at Discussions with Experts (room 2)
Chair(s): Jun Sun Singapore Management University, Willem Visser Stellenbosch University, South Africa

Need research ideas? Join us to discuss the following questions.

  1. How do we handle loops in symbolic execution?

  2. Existing studies on symbolic execution overwhelmingly focus on integer programs. How do we effectively handle other types such as String and Heap?

  3. How do we effectively combine symbolic execution with alternative techniques such as fuzzing and abstract interpretation?

Symbolic Execution
Discussions with Experts
Willem Visser Stellenbosch University, South Africa, Jun Sun Singapore Management University
03:20 - 04:00
Advances in Type SystemsDiscussions with Experts at Discussions with Experts (room 3)
Chair(s): Michael Greenberg Stevens Institute of Technology, Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira University of Hong Kong

What advances in type systems have had a recent effect… and what’s next? Join us to discuss where types are going, in both theory and practice.

Advances in Type Systems
Discussions with Experts
Michael Greenberg Stevens Institute of Technology, Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira University of Hong Kong
11:20 - 12:00
PL/SE for Concurrent / Distributed SystemsDiscussions with Experts at Discussions with Experts (room 1)
Chair(s): Simon Fowler University of Glasgow, Burcu Kulahcioglu Ozkan Delft University of Technology, Mira Mezini TU Darmstadt, Germany
PL/SE for Concurrent / Distributed Systems
Discussions with Experts
Burcu Kulahcioglu Ozkan Delft University of Technology, Simon Fowler University of Glasgow, Mira Mezini TU Darmstadt, Germany
11:20 - 12:00
Testing/Analysis and ML/DL 2 Discussions with Experts at Discussions with Experts (room 2)
Chair(s): Mauro Pezze USI Lugano; Schaffhausen Institute of Technology, Tao Xie Peking University
Testing/Analysis and ML/DL 2
Discussions with Experts
Tao Xie Peking University, Mauro Pezze USI Lugano; Schaffhausen Institute of Technology
11:20 - 12:00
FuzzingDiscussions with Experts at Discussions with Experts (room 3)
Chair(s): Marcel Böhme Monash University, Mathias Payer EPFL

Fuzzing has become the major technique to find vulnerabilities in software and has seen a recent explosion in research activity. We will discuss the origins of fuzzing and the major events that lead to this proliferation: from the “DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge” and “American Fuzzy Lop” seed events to the explosion of fuzzers that target hundreds of open source projects. Then, we’ll gradually ease into highlighting key research areas in software engineering and security such as coverage metrics, intelligent mutation operators, scheduling, seed selection, or different forms of feedback. In addition, we welcome interactivity and questions from the audience throughout.

Discussions with Experts
Mathias Payer EPFL, Marcel Böhme Monash University