ESEIW 2022
Sun 18 - Fri 23 September 2022 Helsinki, Finland

International Doctoral Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering – IDoESE 2022

Empirical research is the backbone of most sciences and is of growing importance in software engineering. The Empirical Software Engineering community has significantly advanced the state of the art in this area. Researchers now apply a variety of empirical techniques, but choosing the correct methods and applying them to answer interesting research questions is still an art.

The objective of the doctoral symposium is to provide early- and mid-stage PhD students with a forum to discuss their work, ask questions of senior researchers, and receive constructive feedback on their PhD topics and research plans. Accepted papers will be published in post-conference proceedings.

The core of the symposium are presentations by PhD students to a panel of senior faculty and research scientists, who will provide ideas, questions, and other feedback to the students.


The symposium is targeted at PhD students in the early- and mid- stages of their PhD. At a minimum, participants must have selected a PhD topic, identified a set of research questions, and have at least a preliminary research design. The symposium is not appropriate for PhD students at the end of their PhD who have completed all their research activities.

Students’ PhD topics must have an empirical focus that is a critical part of the research plan. The PhD topic must be a software engineering topic, such as software process, requirements, design, coding practice, verification methods, software security engineering, software metrics, human factors in software development, and empirical research methods for software engineering.

Submission instructions

Students must submit:

  1. A research proposal describing their PhD topic, research questions, research plan, and results to date, if any. The recommended length is four pages, but we allow up to six pages in case there are a lot of results or large mandatory figures for example.

  2. A brief letter of recommendation should be provided by the supervisor to verify the student’s status.

The submission must be written in English, should be submitted via EasyChair ( ) in the PDF format, and must be formatted according to the ACM proceedings template, which can be found at ACM Proceedings Template ( ). Please use the sigconf-option to get it correctly formatted in two-columns. Both documents, the proposal and the recommendation letter, should be submitted via EasyChair.

Symposium presentation

An Expert Panel will evaluate all submissions. The students, that submitted accepted proposals, will be invited to present their proposal at the Doctoral Symposium. Participants must attend the symposium on September 21st, 2022 and prepare a presentation on the contents of their paper. During the presentation, the Expert Panel will ask the students questions and offer feedback.

Note: It is important to notice that the person that will present an accepted paper must be the doctoral student, the author of the paper. Professors and colleagues are not allowed to present papers on behalf of the doctoral student. Furthermore, advisors should not attend their students’ sessions.

Important Dates

All dates end of day, anywhere on earth

Research plan: June 22, 2022

Notification: July 22, 2022

Submission of improved version: August 22, 2022

Camera-ready: after conference, date TBA

Expert Panel

Carolyn Seaman, University of Maryland, USA
Dag Sjøberg, University of Oslo, Norway
Robert Feldt, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Sira Vegas, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Dominik Siemon, LUT University, Finland

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Wed 21 Sep

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09:00 - 10:00
Opening SessionIDoESE Doctoral Symposium at Sonck
Chair(s): Maria Paasivaara LUT University, Finland & Aalto University, Finland
IDoESE Doctoral Symposium

Construct Validity in Software Engineering
IDoESE Doctoral Symposium
P: Dag Sjøberg University of Oslo, A: Gunnar Rye Bergersen University of Oslo
Pre-print File Attached
10:00 - 10:10
10 min break
IDoESE Doctoral Symposium

10:10 - 11:00
Session 2IDoESE Doctoral Symposium at Brygga
Chair(s): Dominik Siemon LUT University

Experts: Sira Vegas and Dag Sjøberg

Doctoral symposium paper
The use of exploratory software testing in SCRUM
IDoESE Doctoral Symposium
Doctoral symposium paper
Researching and transferring blended learning experiences to software development practices
IDoESE Doctoral Symposium
10:10 - 11:00
Session 1IDoESE Doctoral Symposium at Sonck
Chair(s): Maria Paasivaara LUT University, Finland & Aalto University, Finland

Experts: Robert Feldt and Carolyn Seaman

Doctoral symposium paper
Exploring the Essence of Continuous Experimentation: Minimum Prerequisites for Light-Weight CE
IDoESE Doctoral Symposium
A: Bettina Lehtelä Aalto University
Doctoral symposium paper
Social Sustainability Approaches for a Sustainable Software Product
IDoESE Doctoral Symposium
11:00 - 11:10
10 min break
IDoESE Doctoral Symposium

11:10 - 12:00
Session 4IDoESE Doctoral Symposium at Brygga
Chair(s): Dominik Siemon LUT University

Experts: Sira Vegas and Dag Sjøberg

Doctoral symposium paper
Transforming monolithic systems to a microservices architecture
IDoESE Doctoral Symposium
A: Muhammad Hamza LUT University
Doctoral symposium paper
Supporting the Task-driven Skill Identification in Open Source Project Issue Tracking Systems
IDoESE Doctoral Symposium
A: Fabio Marcos De Abreu Santos Northern Arizona University, USA
11:10 - 12:00
Session 3IDoESE Doctoral Symposium at Sonck
Chair(s): Maria Paasivaara LUT University, Finland & Aalto University, Finland

Experts: Robert Feldt and Carolyn Seaman

Doctoral symposium paper
Towards Unveiling Effects Of Human Factors Within Security Risk Assessment
IDoESE Doctoral Symposium
Doctoral symposium paper
Emergent development practices in medium-sized digitalization efforts run by Norwegian governmental agencies
IDoESE Doctoral Symposium
A: Leif Knutsen Simula Metropolitan Center for Digital Engineering
12:00 - 13:00
Lunch break
IDoESE Doctoral Symposium

13:00 - 13:45
Closing SessionIDoESE Doctoral Symposium at Sonck
Chair(s): Maria Paasivaara LUT University, Finland & Aalto University, Finland

Experts: Robert Feldt, Carolyn Seaman, Sira Vegas, and Dag Sjøberg

Doctoral symposium paper
Component Comprehension in Contex
IDoESE Doctoral Symposium
A: Ava Heinonen Aalto University
Closing discussion -- Lessons learned
IDoESE Doctoral Symposium

13:45 - 14:00
15 min break
IDoESE Doctoral Symposium