CAIN 2025
Sun 27 - Mon 28 April 2025 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
co-located with ICSE 2025

During the seven days of ICSE 2025 (Sunday April 27 to Saturday May 3), the following will be available for people attending:

  • Morning break with coffee, tea, other beverages and snacks. 10:30-11.

  • Lunch break: 12:30-2 (food available at several buffet tables until about 1:15).

  • Afternoon break with coffee, tea, other beverages and snacks. 3:30-4.

There will also be receptions with food (Newcomer reception Tuesday evening; Welcome reception. Wednesday evening), and a sit-down banquet (Thursday evening)

During registration you will be asked if you have any food allergies or other dietary needs. We will convey this information to the Rogers Centre staff. Details will be provided here regarding how these needs will be met.

Certain co-located conferences and workshops will be independently organizing events on other evenings. These will mostly be offisite at restaurants or other nice locations. We will add details below when known.

The following are suggestions for those who want to eat by themselves or in small groups, for example Sunday, Monday or Tuesday evening.