ICSA 2024
Tue 4 - Sat 8 June 2024 Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Please find below the details related to the registration options and registration rules.

Online Registrations are CLOSED as of 31st May 2024.

It is possible to register in-person at the venue. Please contact registration desk for more details

Types of Registration

You can select any of the following ways to register:
  • Conference Only: Includes access to all conference tracks from Thursday to Saturday, lunches and coffee breaks, reception, one banquet ticket and proceedings.
  • Full Conference: Includes access to all conference tracks and workshop/tutorials/tech-briefing sessions (Tuesday to Saturday), lunches and coffee breaks on all days, reception, one banquet ticket and proceedings.
  • Workshop and Tutorials: Includes Tuesday and/or Wednesday participation, lunches and coffee breaks, and access to tutorial materials and workshop proceedings.
  • Industry day: Includes access to all sessions on Saturday only, lunch and coffee break (Banquet Dinner ticket to be hosted on 7th June can be added at an additional cost).

Types of Participants

  • South Asian Participants: Includes registrants who are currently residing and working in institutes/organizations located in the following countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.
  • International Participants: Registrants residing/affiliated with institutes located in all other countries except those that fall in the South Asian Category.

Registration Rules

  • ICSA 2024 will be an in-person conference
  • At least one author per accepted paper has to register using the regular rate. For papers accepted in conference tracks (Research Track, Software Architecture in Practice, New and Emerging Ideas, Posters, Demonstration, Early Career Track and Journal First Track), the “Conference only” or “Full Conference” options must be used.
  • For papers accepted in any of the workshops or tutorials/tech briefings, “Workshops and Tutorial” registration will suffice.
  • Students authors may register at student rates if another co-author has registered the accepted paper using regular rates. If the student is the sole author registering/attending the conference or workshop for a given paper, the student author must register using the regular rate.
  • South Asian participants are eligible to register at the reduced South Asian Participant rate. However, accepted paper authors must register using the “South Asian Author” participant category rates.
  • Only IEEE/IEEE CS members are eligible for member rates, and a valid membership number needs to be provided at the time of registration.

An author may, at most, register for two papers. If an author is registering for more than one paper, a 50% discount on the second highest registration fee will be provided. For example, if an author has a conference paper and a workshop/conference paper, then the author can register in the following ways:

  1. “Conference Only” and “Workshop”, in which case the 50% discount on the workshop rate will be provided
  2. “Conference Only” and “Conference Only”, in which case a 50% discount on the second conference registration will be provided.
  3. “Full Conference” and “Conference Only” in which case a 50% discount on the “conference only” registration will be provided.

The 50% reduced rate on the second accepted paper is not applicable to south asian authors (as the pricing is already reduced).

Cancellation and Transfer policy:

In the case of cancellation, please note that NO REFUND will be given. Registrants who are unable to participate due to some unforeseen circumstances may transfer the registration to another person, but the conference committee cannot help you find an appropriate recipient. Transferring the registration to another person is free of charge. To place a transfer request, please contact icsa2024secretariat@iiit.ac.in

Registration Fee Details

Author Registration - CLOSED
CONFERENCE + Workshops
(5 days)
(3 days)
Only Industry Day
(8th June)
ONLY Workshops/Tutorials
(2 days)
ONLY Workshops/Tutorials
(1 day)
International Authors
(in USD)
IEEE/ IEEE CS Member 750 650 250 250 150
Non Member 900 780 300 300 180
South Asian Authors
(in INR)
IEEE/IEEE CS Member 27000 22000 N/A 12500 N/A
Non Member 32000 26500 N/A 15000 N/A

International Participants (Amount in USD)
Non - Member
CS Life Member
On or Before
28th April 2024 5th May 2024
CONFERENCE + Workshops
(5 days)
750 900 415 500 415
(3 days)
650 780 360 435 360
Only Industry Day
(8th June)
250 300 140 170 N/A
ONLY Workshops/Tutorials
(2 days)
250 300 150 180 N/A
ONLY Workshops/Tutorials
(1 day)
150 180 105 130 N/A
After 28th April 2024 5th May 2024
until May 31st 2024
CONFERENCE + Workshops
(5 days)
850 1020 470 565 470
(3 days)
750 900 415 500 415
Only Industry Day
(8th June)
300 360 165 200 N/A
ONLY Workshops/Tutorials
(2 days)
300 360 180 220 N/A
ONLY Workshops/Tutorials
(1 day)
180 220 130 160 N/A

South Asian Participants (Amount in INR)
Non - Member
On or Before
28th April 2024 5th May 2024
CONFERENCE + Workshops
(5 days)
15000 18500 10000 11300
(3 days)
12500 15000 8500 9300
Only Industry Day
(8th June)
8500 10000 5500 6800
ONLY Workshops/Tutorials
(2 days)
10600 12500 7200 8900
ONLY Workshops/Tutorials
(1 day)
6800 8500 5100 6350
After 28th April 2024 5th May 2024
until May 31st 2024
CONFERENCE + Workshops
(5 days)
18500 22500 12500 14000
(3 days)
15000 18000 10000 11500
Only Industry Day
(8th June)
10000 12000 6500 8000
ONLY Workshops/Tutorials
(2 days)
12500 15000 8700 10500
ONLY Workshops/Tutorials
(1 day)
8200 10200 6200 7600

Note that ONE Banquet ticket is provided with "full conference" or "conference only" registration. You may purchase "additional" Conference Banquet Tickets: USD 50 (International Participants); INR 4000 (South Asian Participants); Upto 4 banquet tickets may be purchased.

Registrations are closed as of 31st May, 2024. It is possible to register in-person at the venue. Please contact registration desk for more details

International Author/Participant Registration                    South Asian Author/Participant Registration

If you encounter any issues during the registration process, please contact icsa2024secretariat@iiit.ac.in