Sat 8 JunDisplayed time zone: Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi change
14:00 - 15:00 | Session 10: Software Architecture in Practice 2Software Architecture in Practice Session Chair: Lalit Mohan S, Chief Product Officer, Quick Heal | ||
14:00 20mResearch paper | Runtime Orchestration of Distributed Control System Services with TOSCA, Kubernetes, and GitOpsSAIP Software Architecture in Practice A: Sofia Linsbauer ABB Research, A: Rhaban Amelung née Hark ABB Research, A: Heiko Koziolek ABB Corporate Research, A: Nafise Eskandani ABB Corporate Research Center | ||
14:20 20mResearch paper | Software Product Line Architecture Strategy to develop large scale products with conflicting customer requirementsSAIP Software Architecture in Practice | ||
14:40 20mResearch paper | The State of Container Checkpointing with CRIU: A Multi-Case Experience ReportSAIP Software Architecture in Practice A: Nafise Eskandani ABB Corporate Research Center, A: Heiko Koziolek ABB Corporate Research, A: Rhaban Amelung née Hark ABB Research, A: Sofia Linsbauer ABB Research |
Accepted Papers
Call for Papers
The ICSA Software Architecture in Practice (SAIP) track is a forum that provides researchers and practitioners a platform to discuss insights, innovations, solutions and experiences related to the application of software architecture to real-world software engineering problems.
We welcome submissions covering any topic that is relevant for software architecture in practice including, but not limited to:- Architecture design and analysis methods and tools
- Architecture knowledge management
- Interplay of software architecture and AI
- Software architecture approaches for AI-based systems
- Software architecture design for sustainable systems
- Practical methods for managing architectural debt and ensuring software architecture quality
- Effective software architecture documentation methods
- Use of architecture to realize quality attributes (performance, interoperability, maintainability, security, etc.)
- Cloud and serverless architectures
- Architecture considerations for containerized systems
- Experiences interrelating architecture and development processes
- Experiences highlighting role of software architecture in addressing business goals
- Software architecture tools and techniques for recovery and analysis
- Microservices architectures
- Architecture considerations for DevOps
Important Dates
Abstract Submission: Feb 11th, 2024Paper Submission: Feb 18th, 2024
Notification of Acceptance: March 17th, 2024
Camera-ready Submission: March 31th, 2024
Types of Submissions
We solicit the following types of submissions:
SW Architecture in Practice papers (4-8 pages): Address real-world software architecture challenges through systematic investigations. Papers should describe industry-relevant experiences and best practices. Application of new ideas in industry and government settings with a thorough discussion of results and lessons learned are welcomed. Empirical analyses of software architecture issues may help both practitioners and researchers. The evaluation criteria for submissions include potential impact, repeatability, and real-world focus. All papers accepted in this track will be published in the companion proceedings.
Technical talk proposals (2 pages): Feature current trends in the industry on the practice of software architecture presenting ideas that are both inspirational and informative. Proposals should make clear why the talk is interesting to ICSA SAIP attendees. The duration of accepted talks is 30 minutes. Extended abstracts of the accepted talks will appear in the ICSA Companion proceedings.
Software Architecture in Practice Track Chairs
Rick Kazman, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Girish Suryanarayana, Siemens Corporate Technology