ICSA 2024
Tue 4 - Sat 8 June 2024 Hyderabad, Telangana, India

The call of student volunteers is now CLOSED

Student volunteers play a crucial role in ensuring the success of ICSA. Being a student volunteer is a great opportunity to meet with academic and industrial researchers and practitioners in the area of software architecture. Volunteering at ICSA 2024 is available to undergraduate, graduate, and PhD students from all over the world. The conference will take place from June 4 to June 8, 2024, in Hyderabad, India. We are looking for volunteers who can help onsite with preparations during the conference.


  • Preparations just before the start of the conference (e.g. preparing conference badges and setting up the registration kits)
  • Duties during the conference week
    • Registration duties (helping attendees to register.)
    • Technical assistance to speakers and attendees
    • Providing directions to various locations at the conference
  • Availability from June 3 to 9, 2024


  • Complimentary registration to the main conference and/or workshops in case the SV is not the sole attendee representing an accepted paper at ICSA.Please take into account that each accepted paper at ICSA has to have one paid registration, and SV benefits do not count against that.
  • ICSA 2024 Student Volunteer T-Shirt, all attendee gifts, meals during the conference, and social events.
  • A great opportunity to meet and talk about research or your interests with academic and industrial researchers as well as practitioners.
  • Build connections with your future colleagues.


  • Must be enrolled as a Ph.D., Master's, or undergraduate student at the time of the conference
  • Must be proficient in English and have good social and communication skills
  • In case the number of applicants exceeds the demand, we will consider students having already published in ICSA as a distinguishing criterion

Application Procedure

  • Please fill up this application form
  • Arrange for a letter of reference from your academic supervisor/department head. This recommendation must be emailed by the student’s supervisor to the local organization chair Karthik Vaidhyanathan (karthik.vaidhyanathan@iiit.ac.in) with the mandatory subject “ICSA2024SV Reference for ” by the faculty you indicate in the application form. The letter should cover your organizational skills, proficiency in English, and anything else that will help us to select you as a student volunteer.

Traveling and Accommodation

Student Volunteers are responsible for their own travel arrangements and accommodation. We will explore the possibility of on-campus accommodation (paid) upon request.

Important dates

  • Application (including reference letters) is currently open. Please note that the due date is before March 14, 2024
  • Notification date: March 27, 2024
  • Student confirmation: March 31, 2024

Visas and Funding Options