Thu 18 Aug 2022 22:00 - 22:08 at Wombat - Posters and Demos 2 Chair(s): Alicia M. Grubb, Rebekka Wohlrab

Temporal Logic (TL) bridges the gap between natural language and formal reasoning in the field of complex systems verification. However, in order to leverage the expressivity entailed by TL, the syntax and semantics must first be understood—a large task in itself. This significant knowledge gap leads to several issues: (1) the likelihood of adopting a TL-based verification method is decreased, and (2) the chance of poorly written and inaccurate requirements is increased. In this ongoing work, we present the Pythonic Formal Requirements Language (PyFoReL) tool: a Domain-Specific Language inspired by the programming language Python to simplify the elicitation of TL-based requirements for engineers and non-experts.

Thu 18 Aug

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21:40 - 22:40
Posters and Demos 2Posters and Tool Demos at Wombat
Chair(s): Alicia M. Grubb Smith College, Rebekka Wohlrab Chalmers University of Technology
A Chatbot for the Elicitation of Contextual Information from User FeedbackDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
Robert Wolfinger University of Hamburg, Farnaz Fotrousi University of Hamburg, Walid Maalej University of Hamburg
A Tool For Software Requirement Allocation Using Artificial Intelligence PlanningPoster
Posters and Tool Demos
PyFoReL: A Domain-Specific Language for Formal Requirements in Temporal LogicPoster
Posters and Tool Demos
Jacob Anderson Arizona State University, Mohammad Hekmatnejad Arizona State University, Georgios Fainekos Toyota Research Institute of North America
AnnoteREI: A tool for transcribing and annotating Requirements Elicitation interviewsSRC GR
Posters and Tool Demos
Sourav Debnath Kennesaw State University, Santhiya Subramanian Kennesaw State University
SafeWalk: a Simulation Tool Kit for Exploring Software Requirements in a Safety-Critical Product LineDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
James I. Lathrop Iowa State University, Robyn Lutz Iowa State University, Cameron Brecount Iowa State University, Hugh Potter Iowa State University, Kathryn Rohlfing Iowa State University, Jessie Slater Iowa State University, Joshua Wallin Northeastern University