Story Explorer: A Gamification Approach for Teaching Students How to Write Good User Stories
User stories are the main artifacts maintained in agile development and play an important role in describing requirements and making development plans. Writing good user stories becomes a key part of improving agile development. However, effective storytelling requires clear communication, reduced ambiguity, and enhanced testability. How to write good user stories is a challenge for beginners. In order to increase learner immersion and improve user story writing skills, this paper explores a gamification approach. Specifically, we started by creating specifications for beginners to write good user stories. Then, the process of user story writing is broken down, the gamification elements are refined, and the gamification teaching framework Story Explorer is proposed. In a course with 64 students, we assessed learning engagement and story quality. The results showed that the quality of user stories improved by an average of 11.8%, while students demonstrated a high level of engagement. Using Story Explorer significantly increased students’ motivation to write high-quality user stories and the quality of their results.
Wed 4 DecDisplayed time zone: Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi change
16:00 - 17:20 | Session (6)EDU - Software Engineering Education / SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice at Room 3 (Xiangquan Ballroom) Chair(s): Lingfeng Bao Zhejiang University | ||
16:00 20mTalk | Pair Programming in Programming Courses in the Era of Generative AI: Students' Perspective EDU - Software Engineering Education Mario Simaremare Blekinge Institute of Technology, Chandro Pardede Institut Teknologi Del, Irma Tampubolon Institut Teknologi Del, Daniel Simangunsong Institut Teknologi Del, Putri Manurung Institut Teknologi Del | ||
16:20 20mTalk | Story Explorer: A Gamification Approach for Teaching Students How to Write Good User Stories EDU - Software Engineering Education Kun Lin College of Computer Science and Technology,Inner Mongolia Normal University, Chunhui Wang , Tong Li Beijing University of Technology, Zhiguo Liu College of Computer Science and Technology,Inner Mongolia Normal University, Ye Zhai College of Computer Science and Technology,Inner Mongolia Normal University | ||
16:40 20mTalk | A Snapshot of Software Testing Education and Instructional Interventions EDU - Software Engineering Education | ||
17:00 20mTalk | Unveiling Cognitive Biases in Software Testing: Insights from a Survey and Controlled Experiment SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice Eduard Paul Enoiu Mälardalen University, Alexandru Cusmaru Siemens Mobility GmbH, Jean Malm Malardalen University Pre-print File Attached |