APSEC 2024
Tue 3 - Fri 6 December 2024 China

The ERA (Early Research Achievements) track provides a forum for presenting and discussing ongoing research work at any stage, from ideas to results, to get feedback, exchange experiences, and explore available research pathways.

As such, this track focuses more on discussing new ideas than presenting complete results.

The topics of the ERA Track encompass all topics of the Technical Track and the SEIP Track (Software Engineering in Practice).

Wed 4 Dec 2024
Thu 5 Dec 2024
Fri 6 Dec 2024
APSEC EDU - Software Engineering Education
APSEC ERA - Early Research Achievements
APSEC SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice
APSEC Technical Track
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Wed 4 Dec

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14:00 - 17:30
A two-stage approach for GitHub issue links identification and classification (Poster)
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Yingying He Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Wenhua Yang Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Arising Challenges for Assuring Maritime Software Reliability in the AI Era (Poster)
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Smells of Misunderstanding in File Path Patterns within Dockerignore (Poster)
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Tomoki Nakamaru The University of Tokyo
Efficient Floating-point Error Detection for Numerical Programs via Error-Free Transformations (Poster)
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Wei Yao Changsha University of Science & Technology, Zhang Jingke National University of Defense Technology;Changsha University of Science & Technology, Xin Yi National University of Defense Technology
Difference Syntax Trees for Characterising Student in Programming Course (Poster)
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Kouta Aoki National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Nara College, Hidetake Uwano National Institute of Technology, Nara College, Japan
14:00 - 15:30
Session (4)Technical Track / ERA - Early Research Achievements at Room 4 (Xianglin Ballroom)
Chair(s): Lina Gong Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautic
Towards Filtering Out Deficient Pull Requests Collected through the GitHub API
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Bowen Tang Ritsumeikan University, Xiqin Lu Ritsumeikan University, Katsuhisa Maruyama Ritsumeikan University
16:00 - 17:30
Session (7)Technical Track / ERA - Early Research Achievements at Room 4 (Xianglin Ballroom)
Chair(s): Cuiyun Gao Harbin Institute of Technology
GHA-BFP: Framework for Automated Build Failure Prediction in GitHub Actions
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Jiatai Li National University of Defense Technology, Yang Zhang National University of Defense Technology, China, Tao Wang National University of Defense Technology, Yiwen Wu National University of Defense Technology

Thu 5 Dec

Displayed time zone: Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi change

14:00 - 15:30
A Study On C Code Defect Detection With Fine-tuned Large Language Models
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Yue Wang Beihang University, Xu Wang Beihang University, Hongwei Yu Beihang University, Fei Gao Beijing Aerospace Automatic Control Institute, Xueshi Liu Beijing Aerospace Automatic Control Institute, Xiaoling Wang
14:00 - 15:30
Session (11)Technical Track / ERA - Early Research Achievements at Room 4 (Xianglin Ballroom)
Chair(s): Deron Liang National Central University
BugsInKube: A Collection of Reconciliation Bugs
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Kabilan Mahathevan University of Moratuwa, Sivakajan Sivaparan University of Moratuwa, Tharsha Sivapalarajah University of Moratuwa, Sunimal Rathnayake University of Moratuwa, Ridwan Salihin Shariffdeen National University of Singapore
16:00 - 17:30
Toward Automation of Module Lazy Loading in Single-Page Web Applications
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Yizhi Mei Oita University, Tetsuo Kamina Oita University
Designing a Reactive Programming Language for Shape-Adaptive Computers
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Yusuke Izawa Tokyo Metropolitan University, Junichiro Kadomoto The University of Tokyo, Hidetsugu Irie University of Tokyo, Shuichi Sakai University of Tokyo
Actor of Things: Resilient and Efficient Distributed AIoT Applications in an Actor System
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Tianqi Ren State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University, Chun Cao State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University, Jun Ma Nanjing University
16:00 - 17:30
Session (14)ERA - Early Research Achievements / Technical Track at Room 3 (Xiangquan Ballroom)
Chair(s): Jun Sun Singapore Management University
Enhancing Source Code Comment Generation via Retrieval-Augmented Generation with Design Document Term Dictionary
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Kazu Nishikawa Hitachi, Ltd. Research & Development Group., Genta Koreki Hitachi, Ltd. Research & Development Group., Hideyuki Kanuka Hitachi, Ltd.

Fri 6 Dec

Displayed time zone: Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi change

11:00 - 12:20
Session (17)SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice / ERA - Early Research Achievements at Room 1 (Zunhui Room)
Chair(s): Meng Yan School of Big Data & Software Engineering, Chongqing University
Autorepairability of ChatGPT and Gemini: A Comparative Study
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Chutweeraya Sriwilailak Mahidol University, Yoshiki Higo Osaka University, Pongpop Lapvikai Mahidol University, Chaiyong Rakhitwetsagul Mahidol University, Thailand, Morakot Choetkiertikul Mahidol University, Thailand
Towards Log-based Execution Status Estimation Using Graph Neural Networks
ERA - Early Research Achievements
14:00 - 15:20
Tool-supported Development of ML Prototypes
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Selin Aydin RWTH Aachen University, Horst Lichter RWTH Aachen University
Uncovering the DevOps Landscape: A Scoping Review and Conceptualization Framework
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Xinrui Zhang Carleton University, Jason Jaskolka Carleton University
DEV-EYE: A Tool for Monitoring Bus Factor Using Commit History
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Dan Muhindo Kazimoto Mahidol University, Morakot Choetkiertikul Mahidol University, Thailand, Chaiyong Rakhitwetsagul Mahidol University, Thailand, Thanwadee Sunetnanta Mahidol University
14:00 - 15:30
Designing distributed systems using SAT solvers
ERA - Early Research Achievements

Accepted Papers

Actor of Things: Resilient and Efficient Distributed AIoT Applications in an Actor System
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Arising Challenges for Assuring Maritime Software Reliability in the AI Era (Poster)
ERA - Early Research Achievements
A Study On C Code Defect Detection With Fine-tuned Large Language Models
ERA - Early Research Achievements
A two-stage approach for GitHub issue links identification and classification (Poster)
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Autorepairability of ChatGPT and Gemini: A Comparative Study
ERA - Early Research Achievements
BugsInKube: A Collection of Reconciliation Bugs
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Designing a Reactive Programming Language for Shape-Adaptive Computers
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Designing distributed systems using SAT solvers
ERA - Early Research Achievements
DEV-EYE: A Tool for Monitoring Bus Factor Using Commit History
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Difference Syntax Trees for Characterising Student in Programming Course (Poster)
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Efficient Floating-point Error Detection for Numerical Programs via Error-Free Transformations (Poster)
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Enhancing Source Code Comment Generation via Retrieval-Augmented Generation with Design Document Term Dictionary
ERA - Early Research Achievements
GHA-BFP: Framework for Automated Build Failure Prediction in GitHub Actions
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Smells of Misunderstanding in File Path Patterns within Dockerignore (Poster)
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Tool-supported Development of ML Prototypes
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Toward Automation of Module Lazy Loading in Single-Page Web Applications
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Towards Filtering Out Deficient Pull Requests Collected through the GitHub API
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Towards Log-based Execution Status Estimation Using Graph Neural Networks
ERA - Early Research Achievements
Uncovering the DevOps Landscape: A Scoping Review and Conceptualization Framework
ERA - Early Research Achievements

Call for Papers: Early Research Achievements Track

The ERA (Early Research Achievements) track provides a forum for presenting and discussing ongoing research work at any stage, from ideas to results, to get feedback, exchange experiences, and explore available research pathways.

As such, this track focuses more on discussing new ideas than presenting complete results.

The topics of the ERA Track encompass all topics of the Technical Track and the SEIP Track (Software Engineering in Practice).


The APSEC 2024 ERA track invites two kinds of submissions:

Regular Papers (presented by a talk)

  • A regular paper must not exceed 5 pages for the main text, including appendices, figures, tables, and references.
  • Authors of accepted regular papers will be invited to give a talk about the paper at the conference.

Short Papers (presented by a poster)

  • A short paper must not exceed 2 pages for the main text, including appendices, figures, tables, and references.
  • Authors of accepted short papers will be invited to present a poster at the conference.

A submission longer than 2 pages will be considered a regular paper submission and will be evaluated accordingly.

Evaluation Criteria

Submissions will be evaluated by at least three program committee members. The evaluation will mainly focus on the novelty of the ideas, the importance to the fields, the soundness of research methods, and the overall quality of presentations. A submission must not have been previously published nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Submission Instructions

Papers must be submitted through EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=apsec2024

All submissions must

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Double-Blind Submission Guidelines

The APSEC 2024 ERA track will adopt a double-blind review process. Submissions should not disclose the authors’ identity to comply with the double-anonymous review process.

For more information, please check the APSEC Double Blind Policy.

Accepted Papers and Attendance Expectation

All accepted papers will be submitted to the IEEE CS Digital Library as part of the APSEC 2024 conference proceedings. The maximum page limit remains the same (5 pages for a regular paper and 2 pages for a short paper).

After acceptance,

  • the list of paper authors cannot be changed under any circumstances; that means the list of authors on camera-ready papers must be identical to those on submitted papers
  • paper titles cannot be changed except by permission of the Program Co-Chairs and only when referees recommend a change for clarity or accuracy with paper content.

If a submission is accepted, at least one paper author must register for APSEC 2024 and present the paper in person at the conference location (online presentation will not be allowed).

If an accepted paper is not presented, the paper will be removed from the proceedings.

Questions and Comments

If you have any questions, please contact the PC chairs:
