Technical TrackAPSEC 2024
The APSEC 2024 technical research track invites high-quality contributions describing original results in the discipline of software engineering. Solicited topics include, but are not limited to:
- Tools and processes
- Agile processes
- DevOps and Container
- Configuration Management and Deployment
- Software Engineering Process and Standards
- Requirements and Design
- Service-oriented Computing
- Component-based Software Engineering
- Cooperative, Distributed, and Global Software Engineering
- Software Architecture, Modeling and Design
- Middleware, Frameworks, and APIs
- Software Product-line Engineering
- Testing and Analysis
- Testing, Verification, and Validation
- Program Analysis
- Program Synthesis
- Program Repairs
- Formal Aspects of Software Engineering
- Formal Methods
- Model-driven and Domain-specific Engineering
- Human Factors and Social Aspects of Software Engineering
- Software Comprehension, Visualization, and Traceability
- Software for Green and Sustainable Technologies
- AI and Software Engineering
- Search-based Software Engineering
- AI for SE, SE for AI
- Dependability, Safety, and Reliability
- Software Maintenance and Evolution
- Refactoring
- Reverse Engineering
- Software Reuse
- Software Project Management
- Debugging, Defect Prediction and Fault Localization
- Software Repository Mining and Data Analytics
APSEC2024 welcomes submissions addressing topics in a variety of application domains, including mobile, cloud, blockchains, embedded and cyber-physical systems.
Wed 4 DecDisplayed time zone: Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi change
11:00 - 12:20 | |||
11:00 40mIndustry talk | SEIP Invited Talk - Evaluation Methods and Practices for Large Code Models SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice Yinan Wang Huawei | ||
11:40 40mIndustry talk | SEIP Invited Talk - MarsCode Agent: Automated Program Repair based on Large Language Models SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice Chao Peng ByteDance Link to publication |
12:30 - 14:00 | |||
12:30 90mLunch | Lunch Catering |
14:00 - 15:30 | |||
14:00 30mTalk | Unraveling the Potential of Large Language Models in Code Translation: How Far Are We? Technical Track Qingxiao Tao School of Software, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, Tingrui Yu School of Software, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, Xiaodong Gu Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Beijun Shen Shanghai Jiao Tong University | ||
14:30 30mTalk | Effective Vulnerability Detection over Code Token Graph: A GCN with Score Gate Based Approach Technical Track Nong Zou Southwest University, Nan Li Southwest University, Junxiang Zhang Southwest University, Xiaomeng Wang Southwest University, Hong Lai Southwest University, Tao Jia Southwest University | ||
15:00 30mTalk | Putting APIs in the Right Order with Gated Graph Neural Networks Technical Track |
14:00 - 15:30 | |||
14:00 30mTalk | CDHF: Coordination Driven Hybrid Fuzzing for EOSIO Smart Contracts Technical Track | ||
14:30 30mTalk | A DNN Fuzz Testing Method Based on Gradient-weighted Class Activation Map Technical Track Zhouning Chen Sichuan University, Qiaoyun Liu Sichuan University, Shengxin Dai Sichuan University, Qiuhui Yang Sichuan University | ||
15:00 30mTalk | Prioritizing Test Cases through Dual-uncertainty Evaluating for Road Disease Detection System Technical Track Niu Chenxu College of Computer Science, ChongQing University, Huijun Liu College of Computer Science, Chongqing University, Ao Li School of Big Data & Software Engineering, Chongqing University, Tianhao Xiao College of Computer Science, Chongqing University, Zhimin Ruan China Merchants Chongqing Communications Technology Research & Design Institute Co. Ltd., Yongxin Ge School of Big Data & Software Engineering, Chongqing University |
14:00 - 15:30 | Session (3)Technical Track at Room 3 (Xiangquan Ballroom) Chair(s): Ian Gorton Northeastern University – Seattle, USA | ||
14:00 30mTalk | Integrating Feedback From Application Reviews Into Software Development for Improved User Satisfaction Technical Track Omar Adbealziz University of Saskatchewan, Zadia Codabux University of Saskatchewan, Kevin Schneider University of Saskatchewan | ||
14:30 30mTalk | Analyzing and Detecting Toxicities in Developer Online Chatrooms: A Fine-Grained Taxonomy and Automated Detection Approach Technical Track Junyi Tian Zhejiang University, Lingfeng Bao Zhejiang University, Shengyi Pan , Xing Hu Zhejiang University | ||
15:00 30mTalk | Adversarial Classification Rumor Detection based on Social Communication Networks and Time Series Features Technical Track Xinyu Zhang Sun Yat-sen University, Zixin Chang Chongqing University, Junhao Wen Chongqing University, Wei Zhou Chongqing University, Li Li Beihang University |
14:00 - 15:30 | Session (4)Technical Track / ERA - Early Research Achievements at Room 4 (Xianglin Ballroom) Chair(s): Lina Gong Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautic | ||
14:00 30mTalk | An Empirical Study of Cross-Project Pull Request Recommendation in GitHub Technical Track Wenyu Xu national university of defense technology, Yao Lu National University of Defense Technology, Xunhui Zhang National University of Defense Technology, China, Tanghaoran Zhang national university of defense technology, Xinjun Mao National University of Defense Technology, Bo Lin National University of Defense Technology | ||
14:30 30mTalk | FRELinker: A Novel Issue-Commit Link Recovery Model Based on Feature Refinement and Expansion with Multi-Classifier Fusion Technical Track Bangchao Wang Wuhan Textile University, Xinyu He School of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Wuhan Textile University, Hongyan Wan Wuhan Textile University, Xiaoxiao Li School of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Wuhan Textile University, Jiaxu Zhu School of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Wuhan Textile University, Yukun Cao School of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Wuhan Textile University | ||
15:00 20mTalk | Towards Filtering Out Deficient Pull Requests Collected through the GitHub API ERA - Early Research Achievements Bowen Tang Ritsumeikan University, Xiqin Lu Ritsumeikan University, Katsuhisa Maruyama Ritsumeikan University |
15:30 - 16:00 | |||
15:30 30mCoffee break | Break Catering |
16:00 - 17:30 | Session (5)Technical Track at Room 2 (Xiangshan Ballroom) Chair(s): Haoye Tian University of Melbourne | ||
16:00 30mTalk | SwFuzz: Structure-Sensitive WebAssembly Fuzzing Technical Track Jiashui Wang Zhejiang University, Ziyi Guo Northwestern University, Xinlei Ying Ant Group, Peng Qian Zhejiang University, Yan Chen Northwestern University | ||
16:30 30mTalk | Data Conflicts-Guided Interleaved Thread Scheduling for Flaky Test Detection in Multithreaded Programs Technical Track Tianzi Wang College of lnformation Science and Technology, Beijing University of chemical Technology, Beijing, China, Ruilian Zhao Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Weiwei Wang College of lnformation Science and Technology, Beijing University of chemical Technology, Beijing, China, Weixi Zhang College of Information Engineering, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Beijing, China | ||
17:00 30mTalk | AS-Fuzzer: An Optimized ADS Fuzzing Method via Scenario Segmentation and Parallel Evolution Technical Track Fansong Chen Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenghao Lin Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Weicheng Lin Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Laile Xi Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences , Yongji Liu Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lun Li Institute of Information Engineering at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hongsong Zhu Institute of Information Engineering at Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences |
16:00 - 17:20 | Session (6)EDU - Software Engineering Education / SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice at Room 3 (Xiangquan Ballroom) Chair(s): Lingfeng Bao Zhejiang University | ||
16:00 20mTalk | Pair Programming in Programming Courses in the Era of Generative AI: Students' Perspective EDU - Software Engineering Education Mario Simaremare Blekinge Institute of Technology, Chandro Pardede Institut Teknologi Del, Irma Tampubolon Institut Teknologi Del, Daniel Simangunsong Institut Teknologi Del, Putri Manurung Institut Teknologi Del | ||
16:20 20mTalk | Story Explorer: A Gamification Approach for Teaching Students How to Write Good User Stories EDU - Software Engineering Education Kun Lin College of Computer Science and Technology,Inner Mongolia Normal University, Chunhui Wang , Tong Li Beijing University of Technology, Zhiguo Liu College of Computer Science and Technology,Inner Mongolia Normal University, Ye Zhai College of Computer Science and Technology,Inner Mongolia Normal University | ||
16:40 20mTalk | A Snapshot of Software Testing Education and Instructional Interventions EDU - Software Engineering Education | ||
17:00 20mTalk | Unveiling Cognitive Biases in Software Testing: Insights from a Survey and Controlled Experiment SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice Eduard Paul Enoiu Mälardalen University, Alexandru Cusmaru Siemens Mobility GmbH, Jean Malm Malardalen University Pre-print File Attached |
16:00 - 17:30 | Session (7)Technical Track / ERA - Early Research Achievements at Room 4 (Xianglin Ballroom) Chair(s): Cuiyun Gao Harbin Institute of Technology | ||
16:00 30mTalk | Automatic Commit Range Identification of Untagged Version Technical Track Yan Zhu Zhejiang University, Lingfeng Bao Zhejiang University, Chengjie Chen Zhejiang University, Lexiao Zhang School of Software Technology, Zhejiang University, Xin Yin Zhejiang University, Chao Ni Zhejiang University | ||
16:30 30mTalk | Classifying Bug Issue Types for Deep Learning-oriented Projects with Pre-Trained Model Technical Track Zixuan Zeng School of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Yu Zhao , Lina Gong Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautic | ||
17:00 20mTalk | GHA-BFP: Framework for Automated Build Failure Prediction in GitHub Actions ERA - Early Research Achievements Jiatai Li National University of Defense Technology, Yang Zhang National University of Defense Technology, China, Tao Wang National University of Defense Technology, Yiwen Wu National University of Defense Technology |
18:00 - 19:30 | |||
18:00 90mDinner | Dinner Catering |
Thu 5 DecDisplayed time zone: Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi change
11:00 - 12:20 | |||
11:00 40mTalk | SEIP Invited Talk - LLM for Code: Generation, Testing, and Evaluation SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice Xing Hu Zhejiang University | ||
11:40 40mTalk | SEIP Invited Talk - Artificial Intelligence Catalyzes a New Paradigm for Industrial Development SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice Zhifeng Li Huazhi Future |
12:30 - 14:00 | |||
12:30 90mLunch | Lunch Catering |
14:00 - 15:30 | Session (8)Technical Track at Room 1 (Zunhui Room) Chair(s): Zhou Yang Singapore Management University | ||
14:00 30mTalk | DupLLM: Duplicate Pull Requests Detection Based on Large Language Model Technical Track Zhifang Liao Central South University, Pei Liu Monash University, Peng Lan School of Computer Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, China, Ke Sun Central South University | ||
14:30 30mTalk | Exploring the Potential of Large Language Models in Automatic Pull Request Title Generation: An Empirical Study Technical Track YiTao Zuo School of Computer Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, China, Peng Lan School of Computer Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, China, Zhifang Liao Central South University | ||
15:00 30mTalk | ModelCS: A Two-Stage Framework for Model Search Technical Track Lingjun Zhao National University of Defense Technology, Zhouyang Jia National University of Defense Technology, Jiaying Li National University of Defense Technology, Haoran Liu National University of Defense Technology, Linxiao Bai National University of Defense Technology, Shanshan Li National University of Defense Technology |
14:00 - 15:30 | Session (9)Technical Track / ERA - Early Research Achievements at Room 2 (Xiangshan Ballroom) Chair(s): Zhiqiang Li | ||
14:00 30mTalk | Multi-Hierarchy Metamorphic Testing for Hyphenated Words in Machine Translation Technical Track Rui Zhu Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Chuanqi Tao Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Jerry Gao San Jose State University | ||
14:30 30mTalk | Exploring the Depths of WebAudio: Advancing Greybox Fuzzing for Enhanced Vulnerability Detection in Safari Technical Track Jiashui Wang Zhejiang University, Jiahui Wang Zhejiang University, Jundong Xie Ant Group, Zhenyuan Li Zhejiang University, Yan Chen Northwestern University, Peng Qian Zhejiang University | ||
15:00 20mTalk | A Study On C Code Defect Detection With Fine-tuned Large Language Models ERA - Early Research Achievements Yue Wang Beihang University, Xu Wang Beihang University, Hongwei Yu Beihang University, Fei Gao Beijing Aerospace Automatic Control Institute, Xueshi Liu Beijing Aerospace Automatic Control Institute, Xiaoling Wang |
14:00 - 15:30 | Session (10)Technical Track / SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice at Room 3 (Xiangquan Ballroom) Chair(s): In-Young Ko Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology | ||
14:00 30mTalk | Why not Just Look For Answers? Using A More Direct Way for API Recommendation Technical Track Changxin Liu Chongqing University, Ling Xu School of Big Data & Software Engineering, Chongqing University, Wenhan Mu Chongqing University, Rui Qin Chongqing University | ||
14:30 30mTalk | Learning Heterogeneous Abstract Code Graph Representations For Program Comprehension Technical Track Shenning Song The College of Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University, Mengxi Zhang The College of Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University, Shaoquan Li The College of Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University, huaxiao liu The College of Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University | ||
15:00 20mTalk | CoSTV: Accelerating Code Search with Two-Stage Paradigm and Vector Retrieval SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice Dewu Zheng Sun yat-sen University, Yanlin Wang Sun Yat-sen University, Wenqing Chen Sun Yat-sen University, Jiachi Chen Sun Yat-sen University, Zibin Zheng Sun Yat-sen University |
14:00 - 15:30 | Session (11)Technical Track / ERA - Early Research Achievements at Room 4 (Xianglin Ballroom) Chair(s): Deron Liang National Central University | ||
14:00 30mTalk | Enhancing the Transferability of Adversarial Attacks for End-to-End Autonomous Driving Systems Technical Track Jingyu Zhang City University of Hong Kong, Jacky Keung City University of Hong Kong, Xiaoxue Ma City University of Hong Kong, Yihan Liao City University of Hong Kong, Yishu Li City University of Hong Kong, Yicheng Sun City University of Hong Kong | ||
14:30 30mTalk | Enhancing Reentrancy Vulnerability Detection and Repair with a Hybrid Model Framework Technical Track Mengliang Li Zhejiang University, Xiaoxue Ren Zhejiang University, Han Fu Zhejiang University, Zhuo Li State Street Technology(Zhejiang) Ltd, JianLing Sun Zhejiang University | ||
15:00 20mTalk | BugsInKube: A Collection of Reconciliation Bugs ERA - Early Research Achievements Kabilan Mahathevan University of Moratuwa, Sivakajan Sivaparan University of Moratuwa, Tharsha Sivapalarajah University of Moratuwa, Sunimal Rathnayake University of Moratuwa, Ridwan Salihin Shariffdeen National University of Singapore |
15:30 - 16:00 | |||
15:30 30mCoffee break | Break Catering |
16:00 - 17:30 | Session (12)Technical Track at Room 1 (Zunhui Room) Chair(s): Tao Zhang Macau University of Science and Technology | ||
16:00 30mTalk | SDEFL: A Lightweight Fault Detection and Localization Method for Deep Neural Networks Technical Track Bo Yang Beijing Forestry University, Jiawei Hu Beijing Forestry University, Jialun Cao Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | ||
16:30 30mTalk | A Study of Using Multimodal LLMs for Non-Crash Functional Bug Detection in Android Apps Technical Track Bangyan Ju University of Cincinnati, Jin Yang University of Cincinnati, Tingting Yu University of Connecticut, Tamerlan Abdullayev University of Cincinnati, Yuanyuan Wu University of Cincinati, Dingbang Wang University of Connecticut, Yu Zhao | ||
17:00 30mTalk | Effective Model Replacement for Solving Objective Mismatches in Pre-trained Model Compositions Technical Track Arogya Kharel School of Computing, KAIST, KyeongDeok Baek School of Computing, KAIST, In-Young Ko Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology |
16:00 - 17:30 | Session (13)ERA - Early Research Achievements / Technical Track at Room 2 (Xiangshan Ballroom) Chair(s): Yanlin Wang Sun Yat-sen University | ||
16:00 30mTalk | Who is in Charge here? Understanding How Runtime Configuration Affects Software along with Variables&Constants Technical Track Chaopeng Luo National University of Defense Technology, Yuanliang Zhang National University of Defense Technology, Haochen He National University of Defense Technology, Zhouyang Jia National University of Defense Technology, Teng Wang National University of Defense Technology, Shulin Zhou National University of Defense Technology, Si Zheng National University of Defense Technology, Shanshan Li National University of Defense Technology | ||
16:30 20mTalk | Toward Automation of Module Lazy Loading in Single-Page Web Applications ERA - Early Research Achievements | ||
16:50 20mTalk | Designing a Reactive Programming Language for Shape-Adaptive Computers ERA - Early Research Achievements Yusuke Izawa Tokyo Metropolitan University, Junichiro Kadomoto The University of Tokyo, Hidetsugu Irie University of Tokyo, Shuichi Sakai University of Tokyo | ||
17:10 20mTalk | Actor of Things: Resilient and Efficient Distributed AIoT Applications in an Actor System ERA - Early Research Achievements Tianqi Ren State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University, Chun Cao State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University, Jun Ma Nanjing University |
16:00 - 17:30 | Session (14)ERA - Early Research Achievements / Technical Track at Room 3 (Xiangquan Ballroom) Chair(s): Jun Sun Singapore Management University | ||
16:00 30mTalk | Improving Code Search with Hard Negative Sampling Based on Fine-tuning Technical Track Hande Dong International Digital Economy Academy, Jiayi Lin International Digital Economy Academy, Yanlin Wang Sun Yat-sen University, Yichong Leng University of Science and Technology of China, Jiawei Chen Zhejiang University, Yutao Xie International Digital Economy Academy | ||
16:30 30mTalk | HANTracer: Leveraging Heterogeneous Graph Attention Network for Large-Scale Requirements-Code Traceability Link Recovery Technical Track Zhiyuan Zou , Bangchao Wang Wuhan Textile University, Hongyan Wan Wuhan Textile University, Huan Jin Wuhan Textile University, Xiaoxiao Li School of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Wuhan Textile University, Yukun Cao School of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Wuhan Textile University | ||
17:00 20mTalk | Enhancing Source Code Comment Generation via Retrieval-Augmented Generation with Design Document Term Dictionary ERA - Early Research Achievements Kazu Nishikawa Hitachi, Ltd. Research & Development Group., Genta Koreki Hitachi, Ltd. Research & Development Group., Hideyuki Kanuka Hitachi, Ltd. |
16:00 - 17:30 | |||
16:00 30mTalk | On the Relative Value of Feature Selection Techniques for Code Smell Detection Technical Track Zexian Zhang Wuhan University of Technology, Shuang Yin Wuhan University of Technology, Lin Zhu Wuhan University of Technology, Shan Gao Hokkaido University, Haoxuan Chen Wuhan University of Technology, Wenhua Hu Wuhan University of Technology, Fuyang Li Wuhan University of Technology | ||
16:30 30mTalk | An Empirical Study on Self-Admitted Technical Debt in Quantum Software Technical Track Yuta Ishimoto Kyushu University, Yuto Nakamura Kyushu University, Ryota Katsube Hitachi, Ltd., Naoto Sato Research & Development Group, Hitachi, Ltd., Hideto Ogawa Hitachi Ltd., Masanari Kondo Kyushu University, Yasutaka Kamei Kyushu University, Naoyasu Ubayashi Kyushu University | ||
17:00 30mTalk | Deep Learning and Data Augmentation for Detecting Self-Admitted Technical Debt Technical Track Edi Sutoyo Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen, Paris Avgeriou University of Groningen, The Netherlands, Andrea Capiluppi University of Groningen |
18:30 - 20:00 | |||
18:30 90mDinner | Dinner Catering |
Fri 6 DecDisplayed time zone: Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi change
09:30 - 10:30 | |||
09:30 30mTalk | Enhancing Code Generation through Retrieval of Cross-Lingual Semantic Graphs Technical Track Zhijie Jiang National University of Defense Technology, Zejian Shi Fudan University, Xinyu Gao , Yun Xiong Fudan University | ||
10:00 30mTalk | Optimizing LLMs for Code Generation: Which Hyperparameter Settings Yield the Best Results? Technical Track Chetan Arora Monash University, Ahnaf Ibn Sayeed Monash University, Sherlock A. Licorish University of Otago, Fanyu Wang Monash University, Christoph Treude Singapore Management University |
10:30 - 11:00 | |||
10:30 30mCoffee break | Break Catering |
12:30 - 14:00 | |||
12:30 90mLunch | Lunch Catering |
14:00 - 15:20 | Session (18)SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice / ERA - Early Research Achievements at Room 1 (Zunhui Room) Chair(s): Chao Liu Chongqing University | ||
14:00 20mTalk | Tool-supported Development of ML Prototypes ERA - Early Research Achievements | ||
14:20 20mTalk | Uncovering the DevOps Landscape: A Scoping Review and Conceptualization Framework ERA - Early Research Achievements | ||
14:40 20mTalk | DEV-EYE: A Tool for Monitoring Bus Factor Using Commit History ERA - Early Research Achievements Dan Muhindo Kazimoto Mahidol University, Morakot Choetkiertikul Mahidol University, Thailand, Chaiyong Rakhitwetsagul Mahidol University, Thailand, Thanwadee Sunetnanta Mahidol University | ||
15:00 20mTalk | ENeRgy sustaInability COding (ENRICO): A PRACTICAL USE CASE SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice Benoit Lange Inria File Attached |
14:00 - 15:30 | Session (19)Technical Track / ERA - Early Research Achievements at Room 2 (Xiangshan Ballroom) Chair(s): Ke Yu Chongqing University | ||
14:00 30mTalk | Sound Floating-Point Neural Network Verification with MILP Technical Track Shifu Yang College of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China, Liqian Chen National University of Defense Technology, Banghu Yin College of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China, Minghao Li College of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China, Yuan Zhou University of Oxford, Ji Wang National University of Defense Technology | ||
14:30 30mTalk | Parallel symbolic execution for smart contracts with load balancing Technical Track | ||
15:00 20mTalk | Designing distributed systems using SAT solvers ERA - Early Research Achievements Puneet Bhateja DA-IICT |
15:30 - 16:00 | |||
15:30 30mCoffee break | Break Catering |
Accepted Papers
Call for Papers: Technical Track
It has been 31 years since the establishment of the Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC) as a leading regional conference that gathers researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and government to exchange knowledge and best practices in software engineering, and to address emerging challenges and solutions in software engineering innovation. This year’s APSEC will be held on December 3-6, 2024 in Chongqing, China. APSEC 2024 will continue in the tradition of previous editions of this regional conference. As in past APSEC series, the main research track features the most recent and significant innovations in the field of software engineering and all its sub-disciplines.
The APSEC 2024 technical research track invites high-quality contributions describing original results in the discipline of software engineering. Solicited topics include, but are not limited to:
- Tools and processes
- Agile processes
- DevOps and Container
- Configuration Management and Deployment
- Software Engineering Process and Standards
- Requirements and Design
- Service-oriented Computing
- Component-based Software Engineering
- Cooperative, Distributed, and Global Software Engineering
- Software Architecture, Modeling and Design
- Middleware, Frameworks, and APIs
- Software Product-line Engineering
- Testing and Analysis
- Testing, Verification, and Validation
- Program Analysis
- Program Synthesis
- Program Repairs
- Formal Aspects of Software Engineering
- Formal Methods
- Model-driven and Domain-specific Engineering
- Human Factors and Social Aspects of Software Engineering
- Software Comprehension, Visualization, and Traceability
- Software for Green and Sustainable Technologies
- AI and Software Engineering
- Search-based Software Engineering
- AI for SE, SE for AI
- Dependability, Safety, and Reliability
- Software Maintenance and Evolution
- Refactoring
- Reverse Engineering
- Software Reuse
- Software Project Management
- Debugging, Defect Prediction and Fault Localization
- Software Repository Mining and Data Analytics
APSEC2024 welcomes submissions addressing topics in a variety of application domains, including mobile, cloud, blockchains, embedded and cyber-physical systems.
Evaluation Criteria
Technical research papers must not be more than 10 pages (including references). Submissions will be evaluated by at least three program committee members. The evaluation will focus on the novelty, originality, importance to the field, proper use of research methods, and presentation of the submissions.
Submission Instructions
Submitted papers must have been neither previously accepted for publication nor concurrently submitted for review in another journal, book, conference, or workshop.
All submissions must be in English and must come in A4 paper size PDF format and conform, at the time of submission, to the IEEE Conference Proceedings Formatting Guidelines (title in 24pt font and full text in 10pt font, LaTeX users must use \documentclass[10pt,conference]{IEEEtran}
without including the compsoc
or compsocconf
option). Also, papers must comply with the IEEE Policy on Authorship. Submissions must be submitted electronically in PDF before the due date via EasyChair.
The Chairs reserve the right to reject submissions (without reviews) that are not in compliance or out of scope for the conference.
IMPORTANT: The APSEC 2024 technical research track will use a double-blind reviewing process, which means that submissions must not reveal the authors’ identities. The authors must make every effort to honor the double-blind reviewing process. Please read carefully the APSEC 2024 double-blind instructions before preparing your paper.
Submission Link
Papers must be submitted through EasyChair:
Important Dates
- Abstract Deadline:
July 6, 2024July 13, 2024 - Paper Deadline:
July 13, 2024July 20, 2024 - Author Notification: Sep 13, 2024
- Camera Ready Deadline: Oct 20, 2024
Accepted Papers and Attendance Expectation
All accepted papers will be included in the IEEE-CS Digital Library as the APSEC 2024 conference proceedings. Accepted papers will not be permitted any additional page of content. But, we hope that the authors will reflect the reviewers' comments as much as possible in the camera-ready version. After acceptance, the list of paper authors can not be changed under any circumstances, and the list of authors on camera-ready papers must be identical to those on submitted papers. After acceptance, paper titles can not be changed except by permission of the Program Co-Chairs, and only then when referees recommend a change for clarity or accuracy with paper content. If a submission is accepted, at least one author of the paper must register for APSEC 2024 and present the paper at the conference. If an accepted paper is not presented, the paper will be removed from the proceedings.
Jun Sun and Meng Yan
APSEC 2024 Program Co-Chairs
Double Blind Policy
IMPORTANT: The APSEC 2024 technical research track will use a double-blind reviewing process, which means that submissions must not reveal the authors’ identities. The authors must make every effort to honor the double-blind reviewing process. Submissions must adhere to the following rules (largely reused from APSEC 2023 double-blind instructions).
- Omit authors’ names and institutions from your title page.
- References to authors’ own related work must be in the third person. (For example, not “We build on our previous work…” but rather “We build on the work of…”)
- There may be cases in which the current submission is a clear follow up of one of your previous work, and despite what recommended in the previous point, reviewers will clearly associate authorship of such a previous work to the current submission. In this case, you may decide to anonymize the reference itself at submission time. For example: “based on previous results [10]” .. where the reference is reported as “[10] Anonymous Authors. Omitted for double blind reviewing.” In doing so, however, please make sure that the APSEC 2024 submission is self-contained and its content can be reviewed and understood without accessing the previous paper.
- Do not include acknowledgements of people, grants, organizations, etc. that would give away your identity. You may, of course, add these acknowledgements in the camera-ready version.
- In general, aim to reduce the risk of accidental unblinding. For example, if you use an identifiable naming convention for your work, such as a project name, use a different name for your submission, which you may indicate has been changed for the purposes of double-blind reviewing. This includes names that may unblind individual authors and their institutions. For example, if your project is called GoogleDeveloperHelper, which makes it clear the work was done at Google, for the submission version, use the name DeveloperHelper or BigCompanyDeveloperHelper instead.
- Avoid revealing the institution affiliations of authors or at which the work was performed. For example, if the evaluation includes a user study conducted with undergraduates from the CS 101 class that you teach, you might say “The study participants consist of 200 students in an introductory CS course.” You can of course add the institutional information in the camera-ready. Similar suggestions apply for work conducted in specific organizations (e.g., industrial studies). In such cases, avoid mentioning the organization’s name. Instead, you may just refer to the organization as “Org” or “Company”, etc. When appropriate and when this does not help too much in revealing the company’s name, you might mention the context (e.g., financial organization, video game development company, etc.).
- APSEC 2024 believes in open science and that open science aids reproducibility and replicability. To improve these factors we encourage authors to consider disclosing the source code and datasets used within their paper, including extractors, survey data, etc. By sharing this information your contribution will be more impactful because others can follow up on your work and of course cite it. But please avoid linking directly to code repositories or tool deployments which can reveal your identity. Instead of doing so, please consider using Zenodo, Figshare, or other services that provide DOIs and allowing anonymous and semi-anonymous methods of archiving software and datasets. is recommended for the dissemination of larger datasets. These datasets, anonymized through Zenodo and other services, should be linked within the paper itself. Instructions for double-blind friendly uploading of datasets is available here: