CSEE&T 2024
Mon 29 July - Thu 1 August 2024 Würzburg, Germany
Mon 29 Jul 2024 15:05 - 15:45 at Room 1 - ASEE&T, Part 2

Software engineering requires quite a few competences, technical ones along with non-technical ones. This talk presents some examples of how several interlinked modules in software engineering education were modified, refined and enriched over time. Starting out from largely instructive lectures, the modules were enriched with activating elements that aim at making students discover several relevant issues in software engineering by themselves. Thus, they better understand the rationale behind the methods and techniques that are available for resolving these issues. For instance, students work on a group exercise which clarifies that capturing requirements from stakeholders is a communication process. This is followed by several additional assignments in which student teams prepare and conduct a requirements elicitation session with largely realistic external customers.

Besides, we offer additional learning elements in an adaptive digital learning environment, in particular short learning videos. This allows students to revisit topics they did not understand properly or to dive deeper into specific issues in a self-directed fashion. This is supported by AI technology which recommends learning elements that best serve the individual needs and characteristics of the individual learner.

Dieter Landes holds a diploma in informatics and a PhD in artificial intelligence. After several years in industry as a software engineer and software manager, he became a professor of software engineering at University of Applied Sciences Coburg in 1999. Currently, he is a research professor for artificial intelligence and data stream mining at University of Applied Sciences Coburg. He (co-)authored more than 120 research articles in the areas of artificial Intelligence / knowledge-based systems, machine learning, requirements engineering and software engineering education.

Mon 29 Jul

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

Information for Participants
Mon 29 Jul 2024 15:05 - 16:25 at Room 1 - ASEE&T, Part 2
Info for room Room 1:

Enter the building and take the main stairs or elevator to the top floor.