CSEE&T 2024
Mon 29 July - Thu 1 August 2024 Würzburg, Germany

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Wed 31 Jul

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08:30 - 09:00
RegistrationCatering at Lobby
09:00 - 10:00
KeynoteKeynotes, Workshops, and Panels at Room 1
Chair(s): Bastian Tenbergen State University of New York at Oswego
AI and Software Engineering Education: Riding the Wave of Innovation
Keynotes, Workshops, and Panels
Nancy Mead Carnegie Mellon University
10:10 - 10:30
Coffee BreakCatering at Lobby
Coffee break

12:00 - 13:00
LunchCatering at Lobby

14:20 - 14:30
Coffee BreakCatering at Lobby
14:30 - 15:40
Poster and Tool PapersPoster and Tool Track at Room 2
Chair(s): Andreas Bollin University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Poster and Tool Track
Steffen Dick , Christoph Bockisch Philipps-Universität Marburg
WIP-Using Generative Artificial Intelligence Tools in Software Engineering Courses
Poster and Tool Track
Presenting Experiential Educational Machine Learning Labs
Poster and Tool Track
Yang Liu Rochester Institute of Technology, Xiaofan Que , Dingrong Wang , Samuel Malachowsky Rochester Institute of Technology, Daniel Krutz Rochester Institute of Technology
Requirements Engineering Education with Just-in-Time Teaching and Projects
Poster and Tool Track
You & AI: a research computing hackathon
Poster and Tool Track
Student Experiences in a Global Software Engineering Course Taught Jointly in Germany, Indonesia, and Japan
Poster and Tool Track
Felix Waigner , Andreas Roessler , Michael Evan Santoso Ritsumeikan University, Japan, Patricia Brockmann , D. Moritz Marutschke Kyoto University of Advanced Science, Tri Astoto Kurniawan , Victor Kryssanov
Accessible Learning Labs: Accessibility Education Through Experiential Learning
Poster and Tool Track
Yang Liu Rochester Institute of Technology, Xiaofan Que , Dingrong Wang , Samuel Malachowsky Rochester Institute of Technology, Daniel Krutz Rochester Institute of Technology
A Method and Software to Create SCORM Units for Computer Science Courses
Poster and Tool Track
A Tool to Facilitate Calibrated Peer Reviews in Software Engineering Education
Poster and Tool Track
Bastian Tenbergen State University of New York at Oswego
Automated Assessment Tool for Teaching Web Application Development
Poster and Tool Track
FeedbackPulse: GPT-Enabled Feedback Assistant for Software Engineering Educators
Poster and Tool Track
15:00 - 15:20
Coffee Break (During Poster Session)Catering at Lobby
Coffee break

Accepted Papers

Accessible Learning Labs: Accessibility Education Through Experiential Learning
Poster and Tool Track
A Method and Software to Create SCORM Units for Computer Science Courses
Poster and Tool Track
A Tool to Facilitate Calibrated Peer Reviews in Software Engineering Education
Poster and Tool Track
Automated Assessment Tool for Teaching Web Application Development
Poster and Tool Track
FeedbackPulse: GPT-Enabled Feedback Assistant for Software Engineering Educators
Poster and Tool Track
Poster and Tool Track
Presenting Experiential Educational Machine Learning Labs
Poster and Tool Track
Requirements Engineering Education with Just-in-Time Teaching and Projects
Poster and Tool Track
Student Experiences in a Global Software Engineering Course Taught Jointly in Germany, Indonesia, and Japan
Poster and Tool Track
WIP-Using Generative Artificial Intelligence Tools in Software Engineering Courses
Poster and Tool Track
You & AI: a research computing hackathon
Poster and Tool Track

Call for Poster and Tool Submissions

CSEE&T 2024 welcomes submissions of

Poster and Tool Demos (up to 2 pages)

Poster papers constitute a two-page abstract of research results, or analysis of experience with delivering courses and training units in different settings (schools, universities, industry, governmental entities, etc.), or describing theoretical or empirical research, industrial application of new or old techniques and tools, novel interpretation, or case studies. Poster papers will be evaluated based on originality, technical quality and relevance to the field of software engineering education.

Tool Demo papers constitute a two-page abstract of a tool to support an teaching approach, tools to support delivering courses and training units in different settings, industry tools and their availability to students, Poster papers will be evaluated based on originality, technical quality and relevance to the field of software engineering education. Tool papers will be evaluated based on their ability to support instruction, training, education, and learning in the field of software engineering.

All papers must be submitted electronically through EasyChair (https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cseet2024). Please observe the Important Dates. All accepted submissions will be indexed and published in the IEEE CSEE&T 2024 proceedings and are subject to registration and presentation at the conference. By submitting a paper, you agree the be added to our publicity mailing list, but are free to opt-out.

Format and Review Procedures

CSEE&T 2024 will continue to use the IEEE double column format for its proceedings. All submissions must conform to this format, and must be within the page lengths specified for the class of submission. For industrial experience reports, CSEE&T 2024 will feature a single-blind review process, but allows double-blinding submissions. Submissions that do not adhere to the formatting guidelines or do exceed the page limits, will be desk rejected without further review.

Acceptance and Presentation

Conference content will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases. All accepted submissions are subject to registration and presentation at the conference as a condition for publication. Each paper is evaluated by at least three members of the program committee. After discussion of the paper and the reviews by the program committee the final decision is made. With each accepted paper at least one (co-)author has to register as delegate before the camera ready deadline and present the paper at the conference. Otherwise papers will not be published in the conference proceedings.

Additional Guidelines

All submissions must be original and must not have been published previously or currently be under consideration for publication elsewhere. It is expected that submitted papers comply with the ACM plagiarism policy and the IEEE policy on authorship. Prior to preparing papers for submission, potential authors should read the CSEE&T Researchers Guide, found at http://conferences.computer.org/cseet/CSEETResearchGuide.pdf.

Preference will be given to submissions that either describe experiences and/or provide sound scientific data, as compared with ones that simply present untested ideas or that deal with well-established approaches which have been thoroughly covered in previous conferences. At the same time, though, “vision” papers are welcome if they present sound argumentation, based on solid references, concerning provocative issues.

Questions? Use the CSEE&T Poster and Tool Track contact form.