ETAPS 2019
Sat 6 - Thu 11 April 2019 Prague, Czech Republic
Wed 10 Apr 2019 14:30 - 15:00 at JUPITER - Software Verification II Chair(s): Heike Wehrheim

Variability models allow effective building of many custom model variants for various configurations. Lifted model checking for a variability model is capable of verifying all its variants simultaneously in a single run by exploiting the similarities between the variants. The computational cost of lifted model checking still greatly depends on the number of variants (the size of configuration space), which is often huge. One of the most promising approaches to fighting the configuration space explosion problem in lifted model checking are variability abstractions. In this work, we define a novel game-based approach for variability-specific abstraction and refinement for lifted model checking of the full CTL, interpreted over 3-valued semantics. We propose a direct algorithm for solving a 3-valued (abstract) lifted model checking game. In case the result of model checking an abstract variability model is indefinite, we suggest a new notion of refinement, which eliminates indefinite results. This provides an iterative incremental variability-specific abstraction and refinement framework, where refinement is applied only where indefinite results exist and definite results from previous iterations are reused. The practicality of this approach is demonstrated on several variability models.

Wed 10 Apr

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