ICSA 2024
Tue 4 - Sat 8 June 2024 Hyderabad, Telangana, India

The development of complex systems involves many organizations that work together to describe a system using artifacts. These artifacts are developed collaboratively, but may contain intellectual property. The intellectual property must be protected from the other contributing organizations. Nonetheless, the artifacts have to be exchanged in order to work collaboratively. Therefore, we propose our new idea, the deltachain. The deltachain uses encrypted deltas, i.e., arbitrary changes made to an artifact, that are stored on a chain. This deltachain can be used as a single source of truth for the whole system. The encryption makes it possible to exchange the deltachain on untrusted third-party hardware. To access the collaboratively developed artifacts, an organization accesses the encrypted deltachain, decrypts the deltas it has access to, and can work with the artifact. The changes performed by the organization are then converted to encrypted deltas and appended to the deltachain.

Thu 6 Jun

Displayed time zone: Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi change

14:00 - 15:30
Session 3B: Ethics, Security, Trust and ResponsibilityNew and Emerging Ideas / Research Papers

Session Chair: Patricia Lago, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Room: D-101, D-Block, Himalaya Building

Research paper
Towards Anthropomorphic Trust Management for Digital SocietyNEMI
New and Emerging Ideas
A: Hind Bangui Masaryk University, A: Barbora Buhnova Masaryk University
Research paper
An architecture for ethics-based negotiation in the decision-making of intelligent autonomous systemsNEMI
New and Emerging Ideas
A: Mashal Afzal Memon University of L’Aquila, Italy, A: Gian Luca Scoccia Gran Sasso Science Institute, A: Marco Autili University of L'Aquila, Italy, A: Paola Inverardi University of L'Aquila
Towards Responsible Generative AI: A Reference Architecture for Designing Foundation Model based AgentsShort Paper
Research Papers
A: Qinghua Lu Data61, CSIRO, A: Liming Zhu The University of New South Wales, A: Xiwei (Sherry) Xu Data61, CSIRO, A: Zhenchang Xing CSIRO’s Data61; Australian National University, A: Stefan Harrer , A: Jon Whittle CSIRO's Data61 and Monash University
Research paper
A Novel Approach for Security Analysis in Microservices using Graph Neural NetworksNEMI
New and Emerging Ideas
A: Chitra Babu , A: Akil Karthikeyan Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, A: Nandakishor Velu , A: Kaarthik Sivakumar , A: Abhishek Pathak
Research paper
Towards a Single Source of Truth with a Freely Shareable DeltachainNEMI
New and Emerging Ideas