ICSA 2024
Tue 4 - Sat 8 June 2024 Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Integrating (and evaluating) energy efficiency tactics into daily industrial practice is challenging. This paper addresses the experimental evaluation of energy efficiency tactics in industrial contexts. Based on different real-world scenarios, we assess five energy efficiency tactics for cloud-based software through individual experiments conducted across two companies. The results of the experiments show significant improvements in energy efficiency for three tactics, with two others showing enhanced efficiency albeit without statistical significance. In addition to the experiments, we draw lessons learned and practical insights into utilizing tactics in industrial contexts. Our results could guide practitioners in selecting and applying the most suitable tactic for their individual context. By linking tactics that emerged in the literature with evidence-based measures, we help including sustainability in software architecture design decision making.

Fri 7 Jun

Displayed time zone: Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi change

16:00 - 17:35
Session 7B: Conformance Checking & Empirical Analysis 2Research Papers / Journal First

Session Chair: Sridhar Chimalakonda, IIT Tirupathi, India
Room: D-101, D-Block, Himalaya Building

Research paper
How Do Microservice API Patterns Impact Understandability? A Controlled ExperimentDistinguish Best Artifact AwardResearch Paper
Research Papers
A: Justus Bogner Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, A: Olaf Zimmermann University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland (OST), A: Pawel Wójcik University of Science and Technology in Cracow
Research paper
Experimental Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Tactics in Industry: Results and Lessons LearnedResearch Paper
Research Papers
A: Markus Funke Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, A: Patricia Lago Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, A: Esther Adenekan Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, A: Ivano Malavolta Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, A: Ilja Heitlager Schuberg Philis
Research paper
Characterizing Software Architectural Metrics for Continuous Compliance in the Automotive DomainResearch Paper
Research Papers
A: Tiziano Santilli Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI), A: Marco De Luca Federico II University of Naples, A: Patrizio Pelliccione Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, Italy, A: Domenico Amalfitano University of Naples Federico II, A: Anna Rita Fasolino Federico II University of Naples
Do RESTful API design rules have an impact on the understandability of Web APIs?Journal First
Journal First
A: Justus Bogner Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, A: Sebastian Kotstein Reutlingen University, A: Timo Pfaff
Link to publication DOI