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ISSTA 2018
Sun 15 - Sat 21 July 2018 Amsterdam, Netherlands
co-located with ECOOP '18 and others
Tue 17 Jul 2018 11:00 - 11:20 at Zurich II - Static Analysis Chair(s): Karim Ali

The large number of alarms reported by static analysis tools is often recognized as one of the major obstacles to industrial adoption of such tools.

We present repositioning of alarms, a novel automatic postprocessing technique intended to reduce the number of reported alarms without affecting the errors uncovered by them. The reduction in the number of alarms is achieved by moving groups of related alarms along the control flow to a program point where they can be replaced by a single alarm. In the repositioning technique, as the locations of repositioned alarms are different than locations of the errors uncovered by them, we also maintain traceability links between a repositioned alarm and its corresponding original alarm(s). The presented technique is tool-agnostic and orthogonal to many other techniques available for postprocessing alarms.

To evaluate the technique, we applied it as a postprocessing step to alarms generated for 4 verification properties on 16 open source and 4 industry applications. The results indicate that the alarms repositioning technique reduces the alarms count by up to 20% over the state-of-the-art alarms grouping techniques with a median reduction of 7.25%.

Tue 17 Jul

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

11:00 - 12:30
Static AnalysisISSTA Technical Papers at Zurich II
Chair(s): Karim Ali University of Alberta
Repositioning of Static Analysis Alarms
ISSTA Technical Papers
Tukaram Muske Tata Consultancy Services Ltd, Rohith Talluri Tata Consultancy Services Ltd, Alexander Serebrenik Eindhoven University of Technology
Shooting from the Heap: Ultra-Scalable Static Analysis with Heap Snapshots
ISSTA Technical Papers
Neville Grech University of Athens, George Fourtounis University of Athens, Adrian Francalanza University of Malta, Yannis Smaragdakis University of Athens
Static Analysis of Java Dynamic Proxies
ISSTA Technical Papers
George Fourtounis University of Athens, George Kastrinis University of Athens, Yannis Smaragdakis University of Athens
Practical Detection of Concurrency Issues at Coding Time
ISSTA Technical Papers
Luc Bläser Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil
Q&A in groups
ISSTA Technical Papers
