ISSTA 2019
Mon 15 - Fri 19 July 2019 Beijing, China
Thu 18 Jul 2019 16:22 - 16:45 at Grand Ballroom - APIs and Symbolic Execution Chair(s): Moonzoo Kim

Mobile apps rely heavily on the application programming interface (API) provided by their underlying operating system (OS). Because OS and API can change frequently, developers must quickly update their apps to ensure that the apps behave as intended with new API and OS versions. To help developers with this tedious, error prone, and time consuming task, we developed a technique that can automatically perform app updates for API changes based on examples of how other developers evolved their apps for the same changes. Our technique takes as inputs a target app to be updated and information about the changes in the API, and performs four main steps. First, it analyzes the target app to identify code affected by API changes. Second, it searches existing code bases for examples of updates to the new version of the API. Third, it analyzes, ranks, and transforms into generic patches the update examples found in the previous step. Finally, it applies the generated patches to the target app in order of ranking, while performing differential testing to validate the update. We implemented our technique and performed an empirical evaluation on 15 real-world apps with promising results. Overall, our technique was able to automatically handle 85% of the API changes and suitable update the target apps.

Thu 18 Jul

Displayed time zone: Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi change

16:00 - 17:30
APIs and Symbolic ExecutionTechnical Papers at Grand Ballroom
Chair(s): Moonzoo Kim KAIST
Effective and Efficient API Misuse Detection via Exception Propagation and Search-based TestingArtifacts ReusableArtifacts Functional
Technical Papers
Maria Kechagia University College London, Xavier Devroey Delft University of Technology, Annibale Panichella Deflt University of Technology, Georgios Gousios TU Delft, Arie van Deursen Delft University of Technology
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Automated API-Usage Update for Android AppsArtifacts Functional
Technical Papers
Mattia Fazzini Georgia Institute of Technology, Qi Xin Georgia Institute of Technology, Alessandro Orso Georgia Tech
A Large-Scale Study of Application Incompatibilities in AndroidArtifacts Functional
Technical Papers
Haipeng Cai Washington State University, USA, Ziyi Zhang , Li Li Monash University, Australia, Xiaoqin Fu Washington State University
Deferred Concretization in Symbolic Execution via Fuzzing
Technical Papers
Awanish Pandey IIT Kanpur, India, Phani Raj Goutham Kotcharlakota , Subhajit Roy IIT Kanpur, India