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Fri 16 - Fri 23 October 2020
Wed 21 Oct 2020 11:55 - 12:10 at Room A - A1-Model Transformation Chair(s): Vadim Zaytsev

Model transformations are essential operations in Model-Driven Software Engineering (MDSE). Due to the increasing size and complexity of software systems developed with the help of MDSE, the input models for transformations are also getting bigger. This leads to the consequence that attention should also be paid to the performance of model transformations in order to still be able to use them efficiently. Especially with declarative languages, the execution of a transformation remains hidden from the developer, so there is no way to understand the reasons for a long execution time.

We present our profiler for the declarative transformation language Henshin, which provides information about the execution at the level of transformations. In particular, the goal of our profiler is to provide information about the matching process to find an isomorphic subgraph. With the help of our monitoring approach, we collect information about the transformation execution at runtime, which is then aggregated and presented to the developer in various visualizations.

In our tool demo we present the two ways to invoke our profiler and explain with an example which information the profiler provides. In addition, we interpret the displayed information in the context of our example and show how a possible performance improvement can be achieved. A screencast of the demo is available at https://youtu.be/TVq6MN8drJM

Wed 21 Oct

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