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Fri 16 - Fri 23 October 2020

The goal of the MODELS 2020 Doctoral Symposium is to provide an international forum for doctoral students to interact with their fellow students and faculty mentors working in the area of model-driven engineering. The symposium supports students by providing independent and constructive feedback about their already completed and, more importantly, planned research work. The Symposium will be attended by prominent experts in the field of model-driven engineering, who will actively participate in critical and constructive discussions.

The doctoral symposium will have the format of a one-day workshop, with presentations of the doctoral students who have their paper accepted in a peer-review process, feedback from the mentors, and plenty of time for discussion. The presentations will be open for mentors, students, and other conference participants; only supervisors of the presenters are excluded from the sessions in which their students deliver their presentation.

More details can be found at https://research.cs.queensu.ca/home/dingel/models20DocSymp

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Mon 19 Oct

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09:00 - 10:30
Doctoral SymposiumDoctoral Symposium at Room D
Day opening
Doctoral Symposium

Doctoral symposium paper
Student presentations and discussion
Doctoral Symposium

11:00 - 12:30
Doctoral SymposiumDoctoral Symposium at Room D
Doctoral symposium paper
Student presentations and discussion
Doctoral Symposium

13:30 - 15:00
Doctoral SymposiumDoctoral Symposium at Room D
Doctoral symposium paper
Student presentations and discussion
Doctoral Symposium

General open discussion
Doctoral Symposium

Submission Guidelines

Submissions (exclusively authored by the doctoral student) are invited from students who have settled on a general doctoral dissertation area, but are still sufficiently far away from completion to be able to take advantage of the given feedback.

Submissions should present research in progress that is intended to lead to a doctoral dissertation, using the following structure:

  • Problem: The problem the research intends to solve, the target audience of this research, and a motivation of why the problem is important and needs to be solved.
  • Related work: A review of the relevant related work, with an emphasis on how the proposed approach is different and what advantages it has over the existing state of the art.
  • Proposed solution: A description of the proposed solution and which other work (e.g., methods or tools) it depends on.
  • Plan for evaluation and validation: A description of how it will be shown that the work does indeed solve the targeted problem and is superior to the existing state of the art (e.g., prototyping, industry case studies, user studies, experiments).
  • Expected contributions: A list of the expected contributions to both theory and practice.
  • Current status: A description of the work to-date, results achieved so far and a proposed planned timeline for completion.

Submissions must not exceed five (5) pages plus two (2) pages for references. Submissions must adhere to the ACM formatting instructions for both LaTeX and Word users.

All papers have to be submitted electronically in PDF format. Submissions will be accepted through EasyChair. All accepted submissions will be part of the MODELS 2020 Satellite Events proceedings and published in the ACM Digital Library.

Please follow the instructions below and create and upload a video presentation of your submission. To help you with the preparation, we also provide some pointers to advice, best practices, and tools (based on [1]).

  • Due date: October 12
    • Format of video
      • Length: The length should be between 12-15mins
      • Type: You can use one of the following three options:
        1. Face and audio only
        2. Slides and audio only
        3. Screencast and camera as picture in picture or split screen Option 3 is preferred, because it puts you in the best position to create an engaging, informative, and effective video.
      • Aspect ratio and resultion: 1280x720 (720p), 1920x1080 (1080p), or 4K.
      • File format: MP4 or M4V
      • File size: <100MB
    • Transcoding: If your recoding tool saves the video in a format other than MP4 or M4V, you need to ‘transcode’ it, using, e.g., the free Handbrake tool. For more details, see [1] below.
    • Adding subtitles: This is recommended, but not required. Tools such as Otter.ai or Temi can be used to create a ‘transcription’ of your video in the form of an SRT file. YouTube can also be used. For more details, see [1].
    • Uploading: Both, your MP4 (or M4V) file and the SRT file need to be uploaded. The upload link was sent to participants by email.
    • Recording tools: Below is a non-exhaustive list of tools that allow the recording of ‘picture in picture’ videos (i.e., Type 3 above). We leave the choice of which tool to use up to you.
      • Zoom
      • Screencast-O-Matic
      • Loom
      • OBS
      • Camtasia The following tools allow recording screen casts of slide presentations with audio, but no video (i.e., Type 2 above):
      • Powerpoint
      • any other capture tool such as Loom, OBS, or QuickTime
    • Advice and best practice
      • [1] D.A. Shamma. A Remote Video Presentation Guide. We used this page to help us compose this section. The page also contains more information and links on how to use certain tools.
      • [2] CHI’20. Guide to a Successful Video Submission. Less technical advice on how to create good presentation.
      • [3] SGIGRAPH’20. Presentation Resources. Collection of resources on general topics such as public speaking and conference presentations
      • [4] ICSE’20. YouTube Video Collection. Lots of videos of ICSE’20 presentations. For inspiration and ideas on what (or what not) to do. For videos of the ACM Student Research Competion go here.
Questions? Use the MODELS Doctoral Symposium contact form.