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Fri 16 - Fri 23 October 2020
Mon 19 Oct 2020 13:30 - 14:00 at Room C - Workshop 2: OpenMBEE

Most current modeling tools are really not suited for large systems engineering projects: they don’t scale easily, collaboration features are limited, they only support a few predefined languages, and they are not web/cloud-based. In this keynote I sketch an architecture for a modeling infrastructure that borrows its UI from modern web apps, provides collaboration features similar to Google Docs and supports language composition and modularity as well as a wide variety of notations similar to Jetbrains MPS. I will point out prototypical developments towards such a tool and demonstrate aspects of it based on the SysML2 language.

Markus helps organisations uncover, understand and operationalize the knowledge at the core of their business, building a common foundation between business and IT. He designs and implements languages to capture and validate this knowledge, and to make it executable on modern IT platforms.

As a language engineer, he analyses domains; designs user-friendly languages and supporting analyses; implements language tools and IDEs; and architects efficient and reliable backends based on interpreters and generators. He also works on formalisms and meta-tools for language engineering.

For 20 years, Markus has consulted, coached and developed in a wide range of industries, including finance, automotive, health, science and IT. He has published numerous papers in peer-reviewed conferences and journals, has written several books on the subject and spoken at many industry conferences world-wide.

Markus holds a diploma in physical engineering from FH Ravensburg-Weingarten and a PhD in computer science from TU Delft.

Mon 19 Oct

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