Mon 2 - Wed 4 December 2024 Tartu, Estonia

Smart Contracts are pieces of software that are deployed in Blockchain infrastructures to enable the interaction (and production of value) between unknown parties, without intermediaries, but in a trustworthy and transparent manner. A key to Smart Contracts’ success is their delivery to excellent standards of quality (e.g., security, documentation, code understandability etc.). To achieve this goal, the development of Smart Contracts needs to be driven by proven software engineering practices. In this paper, we conducted a systematic mapping study to get a comprehensive overview on how “good” software engineering practices are applied to Smart Contract Development. To identify primary studies that lie on the intersection of software engineering and smart contract development, we have selected specific publication venues and queried the literature. After applying the selection criteria, 113 studies were identified, analyzed, and synthesized results have been reported. The results provided some actionable implications for researchers and practitioners.

Wed 4 Dec

Displayed time zone: Athens change

14:00 - 15:30
PROFES Session 10: Measurement and Smart Contract DevelopmentResearch Papers / Industry Papers / Short Papers and Posters at UT Library - Room 3 (Seminar Room Kodavere)
Chair(s): Lidia López Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Research paper
Towards Generating Measurable Artifact Models from Standards in Regulated Domains
Research Papers
Mustafa Bülbül Reutlingen University, Philipp Straub Reutlingen University, Jürgen Münch Reutlingen University, Marco Kuhrmann Reutlingen University
Industry talk
Benchmarking ongoing development output in real-life software projects
Industry Papers
Jonathan Streit itestra GmbH, Lukas Feye itestra GmbH
Software Engineering Practices in Smart Contract Development: A Systematic Mapping Study
Short Papers and Posters
Antonios Giatzis University of Macedonia, Elvira-Maria Arvanitou University of Macedonia, Danai Papadopoulou University of Macedonia, Theodoros Maikantis University of Macedonia, Nikolaos Nikolaidis University of Macedonia, Daniel Feitosa University of Groningen, Christos Georgiadis University of Macedonia, Apostolos Ampatzoglou University of Macedonia, Alexander Chatzigeorgiou University of Macedonia, Evdokimos Konstantinidis Aristotle University, Panagiotis Bamidis Aristotle University
Session 10 Discussion
Research Papers