ICSA 2025
Mon 31 March - Fri 4 April 2025 Odense, Denmark

The First International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Software Architectures (NLP4SA), co-located with the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2025). The rise of IoT, cloud services, and distributed computing has increased the complexity and interdependency of modern software systems, making interoperability and adaptability major challenges. Software architecture provides a foundation for addressing these challenges. Leveraging Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools can further aid in software design and development. However, NLP's use in software architecture remains limited, with many architects relying on manual processes. Integrating NLP in architectural design may enhance efficiency and decision-making in handling increasingly complex systems.

The NLP4SA Workshop seeks to explore how NLP can benefit software architecture, focusing on key research questions: 1) the suitability of NLP methods for architectural specification and design, 2) its role in identifying architecturally significant requirements, and 3) its potential in supporting decision-making in architectural trade-offs. The workshop encourages collaboration between the NLP and software architecture communities, inviting both theoretical and practical contributions to advance research and industrial practices. By fostering interdisciplinary efforts, NLP4SA aims to push the boundaries of how architects design and manage complex, adaptive systems in evolving technological landscapes.

Important Dates

We adhere to the following proposed important dates:
  • Paper Submission Deadline: December 20, 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance: January 20, 2025
  • Camera-Ready Submission: January 27, 2025


  • NLP in Architectural Decision Making
  • NLP Driven Identification of Architecturally Significant Requirements
  • NLP Driven Identification of Design Alternatives
  • Architectural Knowledge Management using NLP
  • Integrating NLP with Model Driven and other Architectural Approaches
  • Designing NLP-Enabled Architectures
  • Challenges, Opportunities, and Limitations of NLP for Software Architecture
  • Sentiment Analysis for Stakeholder Feedback in Architectural Design
  • Other related topics, similar to above and relevant to the workshop theme


Submitted papers must be written in English, adhere to the IEEE Computer Science proceedings format, and submitted through EasyChair (NLP4SA Workshop). Submissions are solicited in following three categories:
  • Full papers (maximum 10 pages including references): about original research contributions, case studies, or reports on work or experiences in industry.
  • Short papers (maximum 6 pages including references): describing work-in-progress, novel and disruptive ideas, techniques, and/or tools or extensions not fully validated yet.
  • Position papers (maximum 4 pages including references): contributions that analyze trends and raise issues of importance in connection with the workshop themes. Position papers are intended to seed discussion and debate at the workshop, and thus will be reviewed with respect to relevance and their ability to spark discussions.

Each submission will be peer-reviewed by three PC members (or sub-reviewers selected by them). An online discussion among PC members and workshop chairs will follow the review process to make final decisions.


The accepted papers will be published in ICSA 2025 Companion proceedings, and appear in IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

Track Chairs

Program Committee