ICSA 2025
Mon 31 March - Fri 4 April 2025 Odense, Denmark

This program is tentative and subject to change.

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Wed 2 Apr

Displayed time zone: Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris change

09:00 - 10:00
ICSA 2025 OpeningResearch Papers / Working Sessions / Software Architecture in Practice / Early Career Track / Journal First / New and Emerging Ideas / Poster Track / Keynote at Main Hall (O100)
Chair(s): Kasper Hallenborg , Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard University of Southern Denmark, Len Bass Carnegie Mellon University, Jan Bosch Chalmers University of Technology, Raffaela Mirandola Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Mahyar T. Moghaddam University of Southern Denmark
12:30 - 13:30
Microservices and Cloud-Native Architectures IResearch Papers at Hall 2 (U82)
Chair(s): Davide Taibi University of Oulu
Research paper
Architecture and Performance Antipatterns Correlation in Microservice Architectures
Research Papers
Alberto Avritzer eSulabSolutions, Andrea Janes Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Catia Trubiani Gran Sasso Science Institute, Helena Rodrigues Universidade do Minho, Yuanfang Cai Drexel University, Daniel Sadoc Menasché , Álvaro José Abreu de Oliveira
Research paper
Network Centrality as a New Perspective on Microservice Architecture
Research Papers
Alexander Bakhtin University of Oulu, Matteo Esposito University of Oulu, Valentina Lenarduzzi University of Oulu, Davide Taibi University of Oulu
Research paper
How Does Microservice Granularity Impact Energy Consumption and Performance? A Controlled Experiment
Research Papers
Yiming Zhao Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Tiziano De Matteis University of Pisa, Italy, Justus Bogner Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Research paper
Affinity-aware Serverless Function Scheduling
Research Papers
Giuseppe De Palma Department of Computer Science and Engineering - Università di Bologna, Saverio Giallorenzo Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna / INRIA, Jacopo Mauro University of Southern Denmark, Matteo Trentin Università di Bologna, Gianluigi Zavattaro Department of Computer Science and Engineering - Università di Bologna
12:30 - 13:30
AI and Machine Learning in Software Architecture IResearch Papers / New and Emerging Ideas at Main Hall (O100)
Chair(s): Henry Muccini University of L'Aquila, Italy
Research paper
LLMs for Generation of Architectural Components: An Exploratory Empirical Study in the Serverless World
Research Papers
Shrikara Arun , Meghana Tedla SERC, IIIT Hyderabad, India, Karthik Vaidhyanathan IIIT Hyderabad
Research paper
Enabling Architecture Traceability by LLM-based Architecture Component Name Extraction
Research Papers
Dominik Fuchß Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Haoyu Liu Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Tobias Hey Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Jan Keim Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Anne Koziolek Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
A Functional Software Reference Architecture for LLM-Integrated Systems
New and Emerging Ideas
Alessio Bucaioni Mälardalen University, Martin Weyssow DIRO, Université de Montréal, Junda He Singapore Management University, Yunbo Lyu Singapore Management University, David Lo Singapore Management University
Research paper
Do Large Language Models Contain Software Architectural Knowledge? An Exploratory Case Study with GPT
Research Papers
Mohamed Soliman Paderborn University, Jan Keim Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
16:00 - 17:00
AI and Machine Learning in Software Architecture IIResearch Papers / Journal First / New and Emerging Ideas at Main Hall (O100)
Chair(s): Ingo Weber TU Munich & Fraunhofer, Munich
Architecture Exploration and Reflection meet LLM-based Agents
New and Emerging Ideas
Andres Diaz Pace UNICEN University, Antonela Tommasel ISISTAN Research Institute, CONICET-UNCPBA, Rafael Capilla Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Yamid Ramirez
Research paper
Swiss Cheese Model for AI Safety: A Taxonomy and Reference Architecture for Multi-Layered Guardrails of Foundation Model Based Agents
Research Papers
Md. Shamsujjoha CSIRO's Data61, Qinghua Lu Data61, CSIRO, Dehai Zhao CSIRO's Data61, Liming Zhu CSIRO’s Data61
Will Generative AI Fill the Automation Gap in Software Architecting?
New and Emerging Ideas
James Ivers Carnegie Mellon University, Ipek Ozkaya Carnegie Mellon University
Journal Early-Feedback
Toward Responsible AI in the Era of Generative AI: A Reference Architecture for Designing Foundation Model-Based Systems
Journal First
Qinghua Lu Data61, CSIRO, Liming Zhu CSIRO’s Data61, Xiwei (Sherry) Xu Data61, CSIRO, Zhenchang Xing CSIRO’s Data61; Australian National University, Jon Whittle CSIRO's Data61 and Monash University
16:00 - 17:00

Thu 3 Apr

Displayed time zone: Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris change

10:30 - 11:30
Security and Privacy in Software ArchitectureResearch Papers at Hall 2 (U82)
Chair(s): Andres Diaz Pace UNICEN University
Research paper
Mining Security Documentation Practices in OpenAPIs Descriptions
Research Papers
Diana Munoz , souhaila serbout University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, Cesare Pautasso Software Institute, Faculty of Informatics, USI Lugano
Research paper
Data-Centric Model for Architecture’s Vulnerabilities Analysis
Research Papers
Michel Bourdelles , Jamal EL HACHEM IRISA (UMR CNRS) - Univ. Bretagne-Sud (UBS), Salah Sadou
Research paper
An Architecture-Based Approach to Mitigate Confidentiality Violations Using Machine Learning
Research Papers
Nils Niehues Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Sebastian Hahner Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Robert Heinrich Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Research paper
TrustMesh: A Blockchain-Enabled Trusted Distributed Computing Framework for Open Heterogeneous IoT Environments
Research Papers
Murtaza Rangwala University of Melbourne, Rajkumar Buyya University of Melbourne, Australia
10:30 - 11:30
Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Software ArchitectureResearch Papers / Software Architecture in Practice at Main Hall (O100)
Chair(s): Vasilios Andrikopoulos University of Groningen
Research paper
On the Effectiveness of Microservices Tactics and Patterns to Reduce Energy Consumption: An Experimental Study on Trade-Offs
Research Papers
Xingwen Xiao , Chushu Gao Software Improvement Group, Justus Bogner Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Using Sustainability Impact Scores for Software Architecture Evaluation
Software Architecture in Practice
Iffat Fatima Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Patricia Lago Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Vasilios Andrikopoulos University of Groningen, Bram van der Waaij TNO
Research paper
Investigating the Impact of Software Design Patterns on Energy Consumption
Research Papers
Adel Noureddine University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour, Olivier Le Goaër LIUPPA, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour
Research paper
A Comprehensive Experimentation Framework for Energy-Efficient Design of Cloud-Native Applications
Research Papers
Sebastian Werner TU Berlin, Germany, Karl Wolf , Maria C Borges Technische Universität Berlin, Stefan Tai Technische Universität Berlin
12:30 - 13:30
Industrial IoT, Edge, and Cyber-Physical Systems ISoftware Architecture in Practice / Research Papers / Journal First at Hall 2 (U82)
Chair(s): Ralf Reussner Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and FZI - Research Center for Information Technology (FZI)
Design and Evaluation of An Event-Driven Cloud-Based Architecture for A Remote Patient Monitoring System
Software Architecture in Practice
Pedro Linhares , Pedro Wanderley , Marza Zaranza , Maria Andréia Formico Rodrigues University of Fortaleza, Nabor Mendonca University of Fortaleza
Journal Early-Feedback
MLOps for Cyberphysical Production Systems: Challenges and Solutions
Journal First
Kubernetes High-Availability Software Architecture Options for Two-Node Clusters in IoT Applications
Software Architecture in Practice
Rhaban Hark ABB Research, Heiko Koziolek ABB Corporate Research, Vladimir Yussupov , Nafise Eskandani ABB Corporate Research Center
Research paper
From Legacy to Intelligent IIoT Systems: Automation, Scalability and Elasticity
Research Papers
Gianluca Caiazza Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Teodors Lisovenko Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Pietro Ferrara Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Fabio Berti , Francesca Ferrari , Alessandro Zaupa , Guangzheng Zhang
12:30 - 13:30
Software Development Practices and Technical Debt IResearch Papers / New and Emerging Ideas at Main Hall (O100)
Chair(s): Torben Worm University of Southern Denmark
Axiomatic Software Architecture
New and Emerging Ideas
Research paper
Debiasing Architectural Decision-Making: An Experiment With Students and Practitioners
Research Papers
Klara Borowa Warsaw University of Technology, Rodrigo Rebouças de Almeida Federal University of Paraiba, Marion Wiese University of Hamburg, Germany
Research paper
Tracing the Lifecycle of Architecture Technical Debt in Software Systems: A Dependency Approach
Research Papers
Edi Sutoyo Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen, Paris Avgeriou University of Groningen, The Netherlands, Andrea Capiluppi Brunel University
Research paper
Architecture as Code
Research Papers
Alessio Bucaioni Mälardalen University, Amleto Di Salle Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI), Ludovico Iovino Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, Italy, Patrizio Pelliccione Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, Italy, Franco Raimondi Middlesex University
15:30 - 16:00
Speed PresentationsEarly Career Track / Poster Track at Main Hall (O100)
Chair(s): Mahyar T. Moghaddam University of Southern Denmark
Toward a non-invasive architecture supporting traditional textile manufacturing systems in their transition to Industry 4.0
Early Career Track
SecuRe - An Approach to Recommending Security Design Patterns
Poster Track
Alex R. Sabau Research Group Software Construction RWTH Aachen University, Dominik Lammers , Horst Lichter RWTH Aachen University
Towards Architectural Pen Test Case Generation and Attack Surface Analysis to Support Secure Design
Early Career Track
Mahdi Jafari Sarvejahani Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
PRE-Share Data: Assistance Tool for Resource-aware Designing of Data-sharing Pipelines
Poster Track
A Measurement-Driven Approach to Enhancing Sustainability in Microservice Architectures
Early Career Track
Automated Microservice Pattern Instance Detection Using Infrastructure-as-Code Artifacts and Large Language Models
Early Career Track
Carlos Duarte Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto and INESC TEC
Survey on Operational Metrics for Reliable Machine Learning Systems
Early Career Track
Anders Launer Bæk-Petersen University of Southern Denmark, SDU Software Engineering
Energy-efficient Microservice-based Software Architectures in Cloud Environments
Early Career Track
César Perdigão Batista , Sophie Chabridon Télécom SudParis, Denis Conan SAMOVAR, Télécom SudParis, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Continuous Observability Assurance in Cloud-Native Applications
Poster Track
Maria C Borges Technische Universität Berlin, Sebastian Werner TU Berlin, Germany
16:00 - 17:00
Industrial IoT, Edge, and Cyber-Physical Systems IINew and Emerging Ideas / Research Papers / Software Architecture in Practice at Hall 2 (U82)
Chair(s): Adel Noureddine University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour
Research paper
Non-invasive software architecture for data pipelines with legacy support in smart manufacturing
Research Papers
Alberto Ceselli , Giuseppe de Martino , Patrizia Scandurra University of Bergamo, Italy
AI Pipelines: A Scalable Architecture for Dynamic Data Processing
Software Architecture in Practice
Jakob Hviid University of Southern Denmark, Anders Launer Bæk-Petersen University of Southern Denmark, SDU Software Engineering, Emil Stubbe Kolvig-Raun University of Southern Denmark, Universal Robots, Juan Marín-Vega
Architectural Proposal for Reproducible, Standardized Deep Learning Research
Software Architecture in Practice
Max Luebbering , Vijul Shah , Moinam Chatterjee Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany, Priya Priya , Osama Soliman , Rafet Sifa
Scalable Architecture for Intent Based Optimal Control of Composite Systems
New and Emerging Ideas
16:00 - 17:00
Software Development Practices and Technical Debt IIResearch Papers / New and Emerging Ideas at Main Hall (O100)
Chair(s): Patrizio Pelliccione Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, Italy
Research paper
Evaluation of MQTT Bridge Architectures in a Cross-Organizational Context
Research Papers
Keila Lima Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Tosin Daniel Oyetoyan Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Rogardt Heldal Western Norway University of Applied Science, Wilhelm Hasselbring Kiel University
Research paper
A Map of Cloud-Native Practices and Tools to Address Desirable System Qualities
Research Papers
Haoran Wei University of Western Ontario, Nazim Madhavji Western University, John Steinbacher IBM
Toward Organizational Decoupling in Microservices Through Key Developer Allocation
New and Emerging Ideas
Xiaozhou Li School of Software, Beihang University, Noman Ahmad University of Oulu, Tomas Cerny University of Arizona, Andrea Janes Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Valentina Lenarduzzi University of Oulu, Davide Taibi University of Oulu
Research paper
Bridging the Gap Between MLOps and RLOps: An Industry 4.0 Case Study on Architectural Design Decisions in Practice
Research Papers
Stephen John Warnett University of Vienna, Uwe Zdun University of Vienna

Fri 4 Apr

Displayed time zone: Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris change

10:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:30
Software Patterns and Architectural Design Principles ISoftware Architecture in Practice / Research Papers at Main Hall (O100)
Chair(s): Patricia Lago Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Research paper
Improving Clinical Decision Support: Architecture Design of a Multi-agent System based on an Argument Quality Assessment Ontology
Research Papers
Research paper
Deicide: Decomposing Complex Classes Into Responsibility Modules
Research Papers
Jason Lefever Drexel University, Yuanfang Cai Drexel University, Rick Kazman University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Ernst Pisch Drexel University
Recovering Gropius Models with the Cluster Architecture Recovery Assistant
Software Architecture in Practice
Sandro Speth Institute of Software Engineering, University of Stuttgart, Elias Müller Institute of Software Engineering, University of Stuttgart, Philipp Recke , Niklas Krieger , Steffen Becker University of Stuttgart, Alexander Poth Volkswagen AG, Olsi Rrjolli Volkswagen AG
SAPlugin: Management and Extraction of Software Architecture Descriptions in Visual Paradigm
Software Architecture in Practice
Laurens Sion imec-DistriNet, KU Leuven, Dimitri Van Landuyt KU Leuven, Belgium, Koen Yskout imec - DistriNet, KU Leuven, Wouter Joosen Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
11:30 - 12:30
12:30 - 13:30
Software Architecture Experimentation and Practice IIJournal First / Research Papers / Software Architecture in Practice at Hall 2 (U82)
Chair(s): Aleksander Fabijan Microsoft
A Train Dispatcher in the Cloud generated from RDF Models
Software Architecture in Practice
Comparative Analysis of Three IoT Data Storage System Architectures on AWS Cloud
Software Architecture in Practice
Dominik Rohal University of Helsinki;Finland, Lucy Ellen Lwakatare University of Helsinki, Yusheng Wu , Jesse Haataja , Jukka K. Nurminen , Juha Kangasluoma
Journal Early-Feedback
Microservice API Evolution in Practice: A Study on Strategies and Challenges
Journal First
Alexander Lercher University of Klagenfurt, Johann Glock University of Klagenfurt, Christian Macho University of Klagenfurt, Martin Pinzger Universität Klagenfurt
Link to publication DOI
Research paper
Architecture Optimization using Surrogate-based Incremental Learning for Quality-attribute Analyses
Research Papers
Vadim Isakov Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Andres Diaz Pace UNICEN University, Sebastian Frank University of Hamburg, André van Hoorn University of Hamburg, Germany
12:30 - 13:30
Software Patterns and Architectural Design Principles IIJournal First / New and Emerging Ideas at Main Hall (O100)
Chair(s): Jens Bæk Jørgensen Mjølner Informatics
Toward Bundler-Independent Module Federations: Enabling Typed Micro-Frontend Architectures
New and Emerging Ideas
Journal Early-Feedback
Agent design pattern catalogue: A collection of architectural patterns for foundation model based agents
Journal First
Yue Liu Data61, CSIRO, Sin Kit Lo CSIRO Data61, Qinghua Lu Data61, CSIRO, Liming Zhu CSIRO’s Data61, Dehai Zhao CSIRO's Data61, Xiwei (Sherry) Xu Data61, CSIRO, Stefan Harrer CSIRO's Data61, Jon Whittle CSIRO's Data61 and Monash University
Journal Early-Feedback
Software architecture-based self-adaptation in robotics
Journal First
Elvin Alberts Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam & Delft University of Technology, Ilias Gerostathopoulos Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Ivano Malavolta Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Carlos Hernández Corbato Delft University of Technology, Patricia Lago Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Link to publication DOI
13:30 - 14:00

Accepted Papers

AI Pipelines: A Scalable Architecture for Dynamic Data Processing
Software Architecture in Practice
Architectural Proposal for Reproducible, Standardized Deep Learning Research
Software Architecture in Practice
A Train Dispatcher in the Cloud generated from RDF Models
Software Architecture in Practice
Comparative Analysis of Three IoT Data Storage System Architectures on AWS Cloud
Software Architecture in Practice
Design and Evaluation of An Event-Driven Cloud-Based Architecture for A Remote Patient Monitoring System
Software Architecture in Practice
Extensible Experimentation Platform: Effective A/B Test Analysis at Scale
Software Architecture in Practice
Kubernetes High-Availability Software Architecture Options for Two-Node Clusters in IoT Applications
Software Architecture in Practice
Recovering Gropius Models with the Cluster Architecture Recovery Assistant
Software Architecture in Practice
SAPlugin: Management and Extraction of Software Architecture Descriptions in Visual Paradigm
Software Architecture in Practice
Using Sustainability Impact Scores for Software Architecture Evaluation
Software Architecture in Practice

Call for Papers

The ICSA Software Architecture in Practice (SAIP) track is a forum that provides researchers and practitioners a platform to discuss insights, innovations, solutions and experiences related to the application of software architecture to real-world software engineering problems.

Everyone is welcome to submit a paper, and we especially encourage contributions with authors with industrial affiliations, e.g., in cooperation with authors with academic affiliations.


We welcome submissions covering any topic that is relevant for software architecture in practice including, but not limited to:
  • Architecture design and analysis methods and tools
  • Architecture knowledge management
  • Interplay of software architecture and AI
  • Software architecture approaches for AI-based systems
  • Software architecture design for sustainable systems
  • Practical methods for managing architectural debt and ensuring software architecture quality
  • Effective software architecture documentation methods
  • Use of architecture to realize quality attributes (performance, interoperability, maintainability, security, etc.)
  • Cloud and serverless architectures
  • Architecture considerations for containerized systems
  • Experiences interrelating architecture and development processes
  • Experiences highlighting role of software architecture in addressing business goals
  • Software architecture tools and techniques for recovery and analysis
  • Microservices architectures
  • Architecture and Continuous Engineering practices, e.g. CI/CD, DevOps
  • Evolutionary architecture
  • The architect role on software products (long-lived) vs. software projects (often relatively short-lived)
  • Cooperation between software architects and other roles in software projects
  • Practical Domain Driven Design (examples, cases)
  • Balancing architectural decisions and business needs
  • Analyzing and communicating consequences of architectural decisions (money, the environment)

Important Dates

Paper Submission: December 20th, 2024
Notification of Acceptance: January 20th, 2025
Camera-ready Submission: January 27th, 2025

Types of Submissions

We solicit the following types of submissions:

SW Architecture in Practice papers (4–8 pages): Address real-world software architecture challenges through systematic investigations. Papers should describe industry-relevant experiences and best practices, in which concrete challenges from the practice are analyzed and their associated novel architecture solution concepts solutions are described. Application of new ideas in industry and government settings with a thorough discussion of results and lessons learned are welcomed. Empirical analyses of software architecture issues may help both practitioners and researchers. The evaluation criteria for submissions include potential impact, repeatability, and real-world focus. All papers accepted in this track will be published in the companion proceedings. The authors have a possibility to consider two additional pages for references (maximum 8 +2 pages).

Technical talk proposals (2 pages): Feature current trends in the industry on the practice of software architecture presenting ideas that are both inspirational and informative. Proposals should make clear why the talk is interesting to ICSA SAIP attendees. The duration of accepted talks is 30 minutes. Extended abstracts of the accepted talks will appear in the ICSA Companion proceedings.

Guidelines for the Submission

Papers and technical talk proposals for the SAIP must be based on a strong connection to the industrial context, and adhere to the following guidelines:

Problem Context and Industry Impact: The context of the problem should be clearly described, emphasizing why a practical solution is important to the industry. It is necessary to identify who has been impacted, the duration of the impact, the novelty of the problem, and the triggers causing it.

Related Work: Prior work should be identified. A systematic literature review is not required, but it is important to clarify whether previously published ideas, either one’s own or from other sources, are being applied. This related work should be properly cited.

Approach, Implementation, and Results: A clear explanation of the actions taken and the results achieved should be provided. The environment and problem under investigation must be outlined, including how solutions were developed and applied. Results, impact, and lessons learned should be shared, along with concise descriptions and rationales for the decisions made.

Data-Driven Findings and Insights: Findings should be supported by data, avoiding reliance on personal opinions or conjecture. Since industry track papers may not always involve controlled data gathering, available data should be utilized, and inputs from those involved in the process should be incorporated.

Innovation, Significance, and Industry Relevance: The innovative, significant, and useful aspects of the contribution should be highlighted. To explain what is new, the results should be compared with relevant alternatives. If the findings are negative, a thorough discussion of potential causes of failure and possible solutions should be included.

Please note that the ICSA SAIP track does not apply double-blind review.

The guidelines are heavily inspired by similar guidelines for the RE conferences and we thank the RE organizers for allowing us to reuse their descriptions.

EasyChair submission system

Software Architecture in Practice Track Chairs

Jens Bæk Jørgensen, Mjølner Informatics
Pablo Oliveira Antonino, Fraunhofer IESE