ICSA 2025
Mon 31 March - Fri 4 April 2025 Odense, Denmark
Wed 2 Apr 2025
Thu 3 Apr 2025
Fri 4 Apr 2025
ICSA Early Career Track
ICSA Journal First
ICSA Keynote
ICSA New and Emerging Ideas
ICSA Poster Track
ICSA Research Papers
ICSA Software Architecture in Practice
ICSA Working Sessions
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Wed 2 Apr

Displayed time zone: Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris change

10:00 - 10:30
ICSA 2025 OpeningResearch Papers / Working Sessions / Software Architecture in Practice / Early Career Track / Journal First / New and Emerging Ideas / Poster Track / Keynote at Main Hall (O100)
Chair(s): Kasper Hallenborg , Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard University of Southern Denmark, Len Bass Carnegie Mellon University, Jan Bosch Chalmers University of Technology, Raffaela Mirandola Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Mahyar T. Moghaddam University of Southern Denmark
10:30 - 11:30
Keynote 1Keynote / Research Papers at Main Hall (O100)
Chair(s): Alessio Bucaioni Mälardalen University
LLMs for Engineering and Architecting Software: What Works, What’s Missing, and What’s Next?
David Lo Singapore Management University
12:30 - 13:30
Microservices and Cloud-Native Architectures IResearch Papers at Hall 2 (U82)
Chair(s): Davide Taibi University of Oulu
Research paper
Architecture and Performance Antipatterns Correlation in Microservice Architectures
Research Papers
Alberto Avritzer eSulabSolutions, Andrea Janes Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Catia Trubiani Gran Sasso Science Institute, Helena Rodrigues Universidade do Minho, Yuanfang Cai Drexel University, Daniel Sadoc Menasché , Álvaro José Abreu de Oliveira
Research paper
Network Centrality as a New Perspective on Microservice Architecture
Research Papers
Alexander Bakhtin University of Oulu, Matteo Esposito University of Oulu, Valentina Lenarduzzi University of Oulu, Davide Taibi University of Oulu
Research paper
How Does Microservice Granularity Impact Energy Consumption and Performance? A Controlled Experiment
Research Papers
Yiming Zhao Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Tiziano De Matteis University of Pisa, Italy, Justus Bogner Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Research paper
Affinity-aware Serverless Function Scheduling
Research Papers
Giuseppe De Palma Department of Computer Science and Engineering - Università di Bologna, Saverio Giallorenzo Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna / INRIA, Jacopo Mauro University of Southern Denmark, Matteo Trentin Università di Bologna, Gianluigi Zavattaro Department of Computer Science and Engineering - Università di Bologna
12:30 - 13:30
AI and Machine Learning in Software Architecture IResearch Papers / New and Emerging Ideas at Main Hall (O100)
Chair(s): Henry Muccini University of L'Aquila, Italy
Research paper
LLMs for Generation of Architectural Components: An Exploratory Empirical Study in the Serverless World
Research Papers
Shrikara Arun , Meghana Tedla SERC, IIIT Hyderabad, India, Karthik Vaidhyanathan IIIT Hyderabad
Research paper
Enabling Architecture Traceability by LLM-based Architecture Component Name Extraction
Research Papers
Dominik Fuchß Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Haoyu Liu Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Tobias Hey Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Jan Keim Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Anne Koziolek Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Link to publication Media Attached
Research paper
Do Large Language Models Contain Software Architectural Knowledge? An Exploratory Case Study with GPT
Research Papers
Mohamed Soliman Paderborn University, Jan Keim Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
16:00 - 17:00
AI and Machine Learning in Software Architecture IIResearch Papers / Journal First / New and Emerging Ideas at Main Hall (O100)
Chair(s): Ingo Weber TU Munich & Fraunhofer, Munich
Research paper
Swiss Cheese Model for AI Safety: A Taxonomy and Reference Architecture for Multi-Layered Guardrails of Foundation Model Based Agents
Research Papers
Md. Shamsujjoha CSIRO's Data61, Qinghua Lu Data61, CSIRO, Dehai Zhao CSIRO's Data61, Liming Zhu CSIRO’s Data61
Link to publication Pre-print
16:00 - 17:00

Thu 3 Apr

Displayed time zone: Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris change

09:00 - 10:00
keynote 2Keynote / Research Papers at Main Hall (O100)
Chair(s): Mina Alipour University of Southern Denmark, SDU Software Engineering
From Building Systems to Growing Systems
Helena Holmström Olsson Malmö University
10:30 - 11:30
Security and Privacy in Software ArchitectureResearch Papers at Hall 2 (U82)
Chair(s): Andres Diaz Pace UNICEN University
Research paper
Mining Security Documentation Practices in OpenAPIs Descriptions
Research Papers
Diana Munoz , souhaila serbout University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, Cesare Pautasso Software Institute, Faculty of Informatics, USI Lugano
Research paper
Data-Centric Model for Architecture’s Vulnerabilities Analysis
Research Papers
Michel Bourdelles , Jamal EL HACHEM IRISA (UMR CNRS) - Univ. Bretagne-Sud (UBS), Salah Sadou
Research paper
An Architecture-Based Approach to Mitigate Confidentiality Violations Using Machine Learning
Research Papers
Nils Niehues Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Sebastian Hahner Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Robert Heinrich Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Research paper
TrustMesh: A Blockchain-Enabled Trusted Distributed Computing Framework for Open Heterogeneous IoT Environments
Research Papers
Murtaza Rangwala University of Melbourne, Rajkumar Buyya University of Melbourne, Australia
DOI Pre-print
10:30 - 11:30
Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Software ArchitectureResearch Papers / Software Architecture in Practice at Main Hall (O100)
Chair(s): Vasilios Andrikopoulos University of Groningen
Research paper
On the Effectiveness of Microservices Tactics and Patterns to Reduce Energy Consumption: An Experimental Study on Trade-Offs
Research Papers
Xingwen Xiao , Chushu Gao Software Improvement Group, Justus Bogner Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Research paper
Investigating the Impact of Software Design Patterns on Energy Consumption
Research Papers
Adel Noureddine University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour, Olivier Le Goaër LIUPPA, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour
Research paper
A Comprehensive Experimentation Framework for Energy-Efficient Design of Cloud-Native Applications
Research Papers
Sebastian Werner TU Berlin, Germany, Karl Wolf , Maria C Borges Technische Universität Berlin, Stefan Tai Technische Universität Berlin
12:30 - 13:30
Industrial IoT, Edge, and Cyber-Physical Systems ISoftware Architecture in Practice / Research Papers / Journal First at Hall 2 (U82)
Chair(s): Ralf Reussner Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and FZI - Research Center for Information Technology (FZI)
Research paper
From Legacy to Intelligent IIoT Systems: Automation, Scalability and Elasticity
Research Papers
Gianluca Caiazza Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Teodors Lisovenko Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Pietro Ferrara Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Fabio Berti , Francesca Ferrari , Alessandro Zaupa , Guangzheng Zhang
12:30 - 13:30
Software Development Practices and Technical Debt IResearch Papers / New and Emerging Ideas at Main Hall (O100)
Chair(s): Torben Worm University of Southern Denmark
Research paper
Debiasing Architectural Decision-Making: An Experiment With Students and Practitioners
Research Papers
Klara Borowa Warsaw University of Technology, Rodrigo Rebouças de Almeida Federal University of Paraiba, Marion Wiese University of Hamburg, Germany
Research paper
Tracing the Lifecycle of Architecture Technical Debt in Software Systems: A Dependency Approach
Research Papers
Edi Sutoyo Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen, Paris Avgeriou University of Groningen, The Netherlands, Andrea Capiluppi Brunel University
Research paper
Architecture as Code
Research Papers
Alessio Bucaioni Mälardalen University, Amleto Di Salle Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI), Ludovico Iovino Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, Italy, Patrizio Pelliccione Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, Italy, Franco Raimondi Middlesex University
15:30 - 16:00
Research paper
From Legacy to Intelligent IIoT Systems: Automation, Scalability and Elasticity
Research Papers
Gianluca Caiazza Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Teodors Lisovenko Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Pietro Ferrara Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Fabio Berti , Francesca Ferrari , Alessandro Zaupa , Guangzheng Zhang
Research paper
Investigating the Impact of Software Design Patterns on Energy Consumption
Research Papers
Adel Noureddine University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour, Olivier Le Goaër LIUPPA, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour
Research paper
Mining Security Documentation Practices in OpenAPIs Descriptions
Research Papers
Diana Munoz , souhaila serbout University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, Cesare Pautasso Software Institute, Faculty of Informatics, USI Lugano
Research paper
Performance Analysis of Architectural Patterns for Federated Learning Systems
Research Papers
Ivan Compagnucci Gran Sasso Science Institute, Riccardo Pinciroli Gran Sasso Science Institute, Catia Trubiani Gran Sasso Science Institute
16:00 - 17:00
Industrial IoT, Edge, and Cyber-Physical Systems IINew and Emerging Ideas / Research Papers / Software Architecture in Practice at Hall 2 (U82)
Chair(s): Adel Noureddine University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour
Research paper
Non-invasive software architecture for data pipelines with legacy support in smart manufacturing
Research Papers
Alberto Ceselli , Giuseppe de Martino , Patrizia Scandurra University of Bergamo, Italy
16:00 - 17:00
Software Development Practices and Technical Debt IIResearch Papers / New and Emerging Ideas at Main Hall (O100)
Chair(s): Patrizio Pelliccione Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, Italy
Research paper
Evaluation of MQTT Bridge Architectures in a Cross-Organizational Context
Research Papers
Keila Lima Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Tosin Daniel Oyetoyan Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Rogardt Heldal Western Norway University of Applied Science, Wilhelm Hasselbring Kiel University
Research paper
A Map of Cloud-Native Practices and Tools to Address Desirable System Qualities
Research Papers
Haoran Wei University of Western Ontario, Nazim Madhavji Western University, John Steinbacher IBM
Research paper
Bridging the Gap Between MLOps and RLOps: An Industry 4.0 Case Study on Architectural Design Decisions in Practice
Research Papers
Stephen John Warnett University of Vienna, Uwe Zdun University of Vienna
Link to publication Pre-print

Fri 4 Apr

Displayed time zone: Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris change

10:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:30
Software Architecture Experimentation and Practice INew and Emerging Ideas / Software Architecture in Practice / Research Papers at Hall 2 (U82)
Chair(s): Sebastian Werner TU Berlin, Germany
Research paper
Performance Analysis of Architectural Patterns for Federated Learning Systems
Research Papers
Ivan Compagnucci Gran Sasso Science Institute, Riccardo Pinciroli Gran Sasso Science Institute, Catia Trubiani Gran Sasso Science Institute
10:30 - 11:30
Software Patterns and Architectural Design Principles ISoftware Architecture in Practice / Journal First / Research Papers at Main Hall (O100)
Chair(s): Valentina Lenarduzzi University of Oulu
Research paper
Deicide: Decomposing Complex Classes Into Responsibility Modules
Research Papers
Jason Lefever Drexel University, Yuanfang Cai Drexel University, Rick Kazman University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Ernst Pisch Drexel University
11:30 - 12:30
12:30 - 13:30
Software Architecture Experimentation and Practice IISoftware Architecture in Practice / Journal First / Research Papers at Hall 2 (U82)
Chair(s): Aleksander Fabijan Microsoft
Research paper
Architecture Optimization using Surrogate-based Incremental Learning for Quality-attribute Analyses
Research Papers
Vadim Isakov Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Andres Diaz Pace UNICEN University, Sebastian Frank University of Hamburg, André van Hoorn University of Hamburg, Germany
12:30 - 13:30
Software Patterns and Architectural Design Principles IIResearch Papers / New and Emerging Ideas / Journal First at Main Hall (O100)
Chair(s): Jens Bæk Jørgensen Mjølner Informatics
Research paper
Improving Clinical Decision Support: Architecture Design of a Multi-agent System based on an Argument Quality Assessment Ontology
Research Papers
13:30 - 14:00

Accepted Papers

A Comprehensive Experimentation Framework for Energy-Efficient Design of Cloud-Native Applications
Research Papers
Affinity-aware Serverless Function Scheduling
Research Papers
A Map of Cloud-Native Practices and Tools to Address Desirable System Qualities
Research Papers
An Architecture-Based Approach to Mitigate Confidentiality Violations Using Machine Learning
Research Papers
Architecture and Performance Antipatterns Correlation in Microservice Architectures
Research Papers
Architecture as Code
Research Papers
Architecture Optimization using Surrogate-based Incremental Learning for Quality-attribute Analyses
Research Papers
Bridging the Gap Between MLOps and RLOps: An Industry 4.0 Case Study on Architectural Design Decisions in Practice
Research Papers
Link to publication Pre-print
Characterizing Vulnerabilities in Microservices: Source, Age and Severity
Research Papers
Data-Centric Model for Architecture’s Vulnerabilities Analysis
Research Papers
Debiasing Architectural Decision-Making: An Experiment With Students and Practitioners
Research Papers
Deicide: Decomposing Complex Classes Into Responsibility Modules
Research Papers
Do Large Language Models Contain Software Architectural Knowledge? An Exploratory Case Study with GPT
Research Papers
Enabling Architecture Traceability by LLM-based Architecture Component Name Extraction
Research Papers
Link to publication Media Attached
Evaluation of MQTT Bridge Architectures in a Cross-Organizational Context
Research Papers
From Legacy to Intelligent IIoT Systems: Automation, Scalability and Elasticity
Research Papers
How Does Microservice Granularity Impact Energy Consumption and Performance? A Controlled Experiment
Research Papers
Improving Clinical Decision Support: Architecture Design of a Multi-agent System based on an Argument Quality Assessment Ontology
Research Papers
Investigating the Impact of Software Design Patterns on Energy Consumption
Research Papers
LLMs for Generation of Architectural Components: An Exploratory Empirical Study in the Serverless World
Research Papers
Mining Security Documentation Practices in OpenAPIs Descriptions
Research Papers
Network Centrality as a New Perspective on Microservice Architecture
Research Papers
Non-invasive software architecture for data pipelines with legacy support in smart manufacturing
Research Papers
On the Effectiveness of Microservices Tactics and Patterns to Reduce Energy Consumption: An Experimental Study on Trade-Offs
Research Papers
Performance Analysis of Architectural Patterns for Federated Learning Systems
Research Papers
Swiss Cheese Model for AI Safety: A Taxonomy and Reference Architecture for Multi-Layered Guardrails of Foundation Model Based Agents
Research Papers
Link to publication Pre-print
Tracing the Lifecycle of Architecture Technical Debt in Software Systems: A Dependency Approach
Research Papers
TrustMesh: A Blockchain-Enabled Trusted Distributed Computing Framework for Open Heterogeneous IoT Environments
Research Papers
DOI Pre-print

Call for Papers

The IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA) is the premier gathering of practitioners and researchers interested in software architecture, component-based software engineering, and quality aspects of complex software systems. The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2025) continues the tradition of a working conference, where practitioners and researchers meet and where software architects can explain the challenges they face and try to influence the future of the field. Interactive working sessions will be the place where researchers meet practitioners to identify opportunities to create the future.

The rapid development and integration of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are transforming the landscape of software architecture. As we move towards the next generation of intelligent systems, architects are challenged to design frameworks that can seamlessly incorporate AI capabilities such as natural language processing, machine learning, and generative models. The theme of ICSA 2025 is Architecting for the Next Generation of Intelligent Systems. ICSA 2025 innovative contributions that explore the opportunities and challenges presented by these advancements. We seek papers that propose new methodologies, tools, and best practices for integrating intelligent systems into software architecture. Additionally, we welcome case studies highlighting both successful and unsuccessful applications of these technologies, providing valuable insights into their practical implications and potential pitfalls.

Besides the main theme, we call on both researchers and practitioners for contributions that advance our understanding of architectures in real-world software, facilitate empirical research by making architectural artifacts and tools publicly available, and promote replicability of results through common datasets and benchmarks. We welcome original papers that explore and explain the role of architecture in current systems and future systems. This conference looks at what can be learned from our software architecture history, experience, studies, and best practices.

Important Dates

  • Abstracts due: November 8th, 2024 (firm)
  • Full papers due: November 15th, 2024 (firm)
  • Notification of acceptance: December 15th, 2024
  • Camera-ready due: January 27th, 2025

Notes: All deadlines are 23:59h AoE (anywhere on Earth)


Topics of interest for the conference include (but are not limited to) the following:
  • Requirements & Architecture
    • Stakeholder management and collaborating with other domains
    • Stakeholder management and collaborating with other domains
    • Linking architecture to requirements and/or implementation
    • Methods to address the intertwining of specification and design
    • Sustainability, ethics, business, financial, and managerial aspects of software architecture
  • Architecture Design
    • Model-driven architecture
    • Component-based software engineering
    • Architecture frameworks and architecture description languages
    • Reusable architectural solutions & architecture knowledge management
  • Cloud-native Computing & Architecture
    • Microservices & containerization
    • Serverless platforms & novel forms of virtualization (WASM, MicroVMs, etc.)
    • Event-driven architectures
    • Observability & Distributed Tracing
  • Architecture Evaluation
    • Evaluating quality aspects (e.g., security, performance, reliability, evolvability)
    • AI/ML techniques for architecture
    • Architecture conformance checking
    • Lightweight evaluation methods
  • Architecture & Life-cycle
    • Automatic extraction and generation of software architecture descriptions
    • Architecture & continuous integration/delivery, and DevOps
    • Refactoring and evolving architecture design decisions and solutions
    • Agile architecting, continuous architecting, and other approaches to architecting
  • Architecture & Architects
    • Roles and responsibilities for software architects
    • Training, soft skills, coaching, mentoring, education, and certification
    • Architecture for equality, diversity and inclusion
    • State-of-the-art and state-of-practice in software architecture
  • Architecture for specific types of systems, such as:
    • Edge / Fog / Internet of Things (IoT) systems / IoB systems
    • AI / ML systems & systems using blockchains
    • Cyber-physical systems
    • Self-adaptive & autonomous systems
  • Architecture & Generative AI:
    • Design assistance & identification of architectural patterns
    • Decision making support, comparing technologies, evaluating trade-offs
    • Generating source code to facilitate implementing architecture designs
    • Reviewing designs, identifying inconsistencies, and suggesting improvements

Open Science Principles

The ICSA conference encourages authors of research papers to follow the principles of transparency, reproducibility, and replicability. In particular, the conference supports the adoption of open data and open source principles and encourages authors to disclose data in order to increase reproducibility and replicability. Sharing of research artifacts is desired but not mandatory for submission or acceptance. The program committee members, however, may use this information to inform their decision.


We solicit the submission of technical research papers that describe original and significant results of theoretical, empirical, conceptual, or experimental work in software architecture. The submissions will be evaluated based on novelty, soundness, significance/relevance, open science principles (as outlined above), and presentation quality, in that order. All submissions must conform to the IEEE paper formatting and submission instructions and must not exceed 10 pages for the main text, inclusive of all figures, tables, appendices, etc. Two additional pages containing only references are permitted. The submissions must conform to the author instructions as well as to the IEEE Guidelines for Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Generated Text

Please note that ICSA 2025 will pursue a double-blind review process for technical research papers only, therefore all technical research paper submissions have to fulfill the double-blind reviewing requirements. Submissions that disregard these review requirements will be desk-rejected without review. For artifacts that will be published following the open science principles (see above), we ask that authors undertake reasonable, possibly non-exhaustive steps to not disclose their identity, e.g., by anonymizing author names, handles, affiliations, and URLs. The leakage of information in additional artifacts will not lead to desk rejection. Reviewers will be asked to treat artifacts and papers as confidential.

All papers are to be submitted electronically via the EasyChair submission system by the submission deadline and must not have been published before or be submitted for review elsewhere while under consideration at ICSA. All submissions will be checked with an anti-plagiarism tool.


All accepted technical research papers will be published in the ICSA 2025 main proceedings and appear in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

The authors of submissions that are rejected as technical research papers – but for which reviews show a strong potential for positively influencing the state of the art or state of practice in software architecture, or strong potential to stimulate discussion – will be invited to submit a short paper (up to 8 pages including references) or a poster (poster presented at the conference + up to 4 pages (including references) describing their research. Short papers and poster summaries (up to 4 pages) will be published in the ICSA 2025 companion proceedings.

Note that at least one author of an accepted contribution is required to register and present the work at the conference. An in-person presentation is required.

In addition, authors of distinguished papers will be invited to submit revised and extended versions of their work to a dedicated Special Issue of ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS).

Research Track Chairs

Jan Bosch, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Raffaela Mirandola, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

1. Introduction

ICSA aims for an inclusive and transparent review process. The following document outlines review criteria for the “Research Papers” track at ICSA 2025, as well as quality criteria for reviews. We aim to balance clarity and level of detail, i.e., we aim to provide a concise guide to support reviewers.

The “Research Papers” track at ICSA 2025 includes submissions on various topics; please refer to the Call for Papers for an overview.

We encourage reviewers to be open, positive and professional:

  • Review authorship: PC members were invited because of their expertise. Therefore, we expect PC members to author their reviews, asking for sub-reviewers only for additional feedback. This means that reviewers may solicit help from others. However, reviewers should rewrite the review in their own words and adjust the scores accordingly. The opinions should be represented as the PC member’s opinions, not those of a sub-reviewer.
  • Review quality: PC members are requested to submit a thorough and careful review. Reviewers should pay attention to the bidding process to select those papers closer to their area of expertise.
  • Be clear about what is missing: Even if, in the view of a reviewer, a paper does not meet the standards required for acceptance, we encourage reviewers to highlight what, in their opinion, would be necessary to make it acceptable for ICSA (while acknowledging that ICSA submissions are subject to the limitations of conference papers regarding lengths, etc.).
  • Numerical scoring: Reviewers should try not to be indecisive. Please take a stand. Whatever a reviewer’s position is, we ask you to justify it in the comments.
  • Ethical issues: PC members should inform PC co-chairs if they detect any evidence related to plagiarism, concurrent submission, etc.
  • Update reviews: Reviews can be updated at any time, i.e., we encourage reviewers to follow the submitted reviews of submissions assigned to them and make adjustments even before the official discussion period.
  • Discussion leaders: For papers that require more detailed discussions to reach a final decision of accepting or rejecting them, we might assign discussion leaders. Discussion leaders will be assigned before or during the discussion period. To reduce the workload for PC members, not all papers will have a discussion leader, and we will not assign discussion leaders up front.

2. Review criteria

Relevance: The extent to which the paper responds to the scope as outlined in the Call for Papers and to which the paper’s contributions are important for software architecture research, practice and education/training. ICSA is interested in growing its community, so we encourage new areas of architecture-related research, even if they are not explicitly mentioned in the Call for Papers. If a reviewer believes that a paper is not relevant for ICSA, we ask for an explanation of why not. For RESEARCH PAPERS, the key concern is how the paper discusses implications for software architecture research and/or practice and explains the meaning of the findings (in particular, if the focus of the paper is on empirical work).

Soundness: The extent to which the paper’s claims and contributions are supported by rigorous application of appropriate research methods. RESEARCH PAPERS should provide a rigorous description of the research method as well as acknowledge limitations and validity threats.

Originality: The extent to which the contribution is sufficiently original and is clearly explained with respect to the state-of-the-art. Note that originality is not about providing surprising or unexpected results or the complexity of a proposed solution but how the work advances the body of knowledge. If a paper lacks important references, we ask reviewers to provide suggestions but avoid self-citations. When a reviewer’s own work is extremely relevant, they should always contact the PC co-chairs and provide potential alternatives for other related work. For RESEARCH PAPERS, there needs to be a clear discussion of how the proposed work fits into the current body of knowledge. For papers that provide new approaches, simple and elegant solutions which still have the potential to improve the state of practice or provide relevant insights are acceptable and should not be criticized for being “too trivial” (in that case, soundness and relevance should be assessed carefully). Also, papers that confirm previous findings are encouraged (as long as findings are discussed in the context of previous works). 

Quality: The extent to which the paper’s writing is clear, with well-organized descriptions and explanations, adequate use of the English language, absence of major ambiguities, clearly readable figures and tables, and adherence to the formatting instructions provided.

In addition to the above criteria, we also ask reviewers to comment on reproducibility and open science principles. The Call for Papers states that ICSA 2025 supports an Open Science policy. We encourage authors to disclose (anonymized and curated) data/artifacts to increase reproducibility.

Reproducibility and Open Science: The extent to which the paper provides sufficient detail on methods and experiments and shares information and artifacts that are practical and reasonable to share to support replication and reproducibility. Note that suitable sharing depends on the type of paper. For example, qualitative interview transcripts often cannot be released due to de-identification risk, or industry data may contain trade secrets. Note that according to the Call for Papers, research artifacts are not mandatory for submission or acceptance.

3. Review quality criteria

All the reviews are expected to meet the following criteria to provide authors with proper feedback:

  • Reviewers will check that the review criteria (see above) are properly satisfied by the submissions evaluated. All reviews will comment on the review criteria.
  • Reviewers will provide constructive suggestions or ideas to improve the quality of the paper (even if a paper is not accepted).
  • Reviewers will describe criticisms and comments in an argumentative and reasoned way, using a polite tone. ICSA aims to provide a supportive community.
  • Reviewers will suggest related work as required, such as empirical standards, related papers highly relevant to the community, open repositories, etc. 
  • In general, requests to cite a reviewer’s work are not allowed. Only on request,  providing a strong motivation for how the citation will improve the paper (and explaining why there are no alternative references), and after consultation with the PC co-chairs, citations to a reviewer’s own work might be allowed.


