ETAPS 2019 (series) / Thomas Colcombet

Registered user since Tue 6 Nov 2018
Name:Thomas Colcombet
I am a senior researcher of the Cnrs. I am mainly interested in logic, automata theory, games and categories related to verification. I have defended my PhD thesis in 2004, and my habilitation thesis in 2013 (the document in french). More precisely, I am interested in model theory, finite model theory, monadic-second order logic, databases, language theory, semigroups, automata theory and in particular quantitative forms of automata (weighted automata, regular cost functions, nominal automata), as well as games for verification and model-checking. I also started to investigate the connections between all these subjects and category theory.
Affiliation:IRIF, University Paris Diderot and CNRS, France
Personal website:
Research interests:Logic, automata theory, games and categories related to verification
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