ICSA 2024
Tue 4 - Sat 8 June 2024 Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Rich Hilliard

Registered user since Wed 14 Feb 2024

Name:Rich Hilliard

Rich Hilliard is a software system architect, consultant and researcher. He was editor of ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011, Systems and software engineering — Architecture description. He is chair of the Architecture Working Group of IEEE S2ESC (Software & Systems Engineering Standards Committee); in the IEEE liaison to ISO JTC 1/SC 7 (Systems and Software Engineering); knowledge area editor and member of the SWEBoK (Software Engineering Body of Knowledge) Steering Group; co-editor of IEEE P1228 on Software Safety; and project editor for ISO/IEC 9837 on Systems Resilience.

His current interests include use of categorical methods for architecture description and modeling and making electronic music. Rich is a member of the Free Software Foundation.

Country:United States
Affiliation:IEEE Computer Society
Research interests:software and systems architecture, architecture description, modeling and analysis, formal methods


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