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ICSE 2020
Wed 24 June - Thu 16 July 2020

Registered user since Sat 6 Jun 2020

Name:Ananga Thapaliya

Ananga Thapaliya is currently an undergraduate student studying Computer Science in Innopolis University, Russia. His research focuses on analyzing brain waves during production of software, if the waves can be affected by external factors such as pair programming or music. Ananga has several publications and has already presented in different conferences. Recently his paper “Effect of Pair Programming during software development: case of EEG” was qualified for the World Student Research Competition at ICSE, the most prominent software engineering conference. Ananga is now studying at University of Luxembourg as an exchange student.

Affiliation:Innopolis University
Personal website: https://design.eziot.me
Research interests:Brain waves, NDN, Game theory


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