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I am a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in the Departments of Computer Science and Security and Crime Science at University College London (UCL). I am affiliated with the Information Security Group, the International Secure Systems Lab, and the iDrama Lab. I received a PhD in Computer Science from University of California, Santa Barbara in 2014. During my PhD I worked in the Computer Security Lab, advised by Professors Christopher Kruegel and Giovanni Vigna. I was awarded a UCL BEAMS Future Leaders in Engineering and Physical Sciences Award in 2016, a Google Research Award in 2015, the Outstanding Dissertation Award from the Department of Computer Science at UCSB in 2014, and a Symantec Research Labs Graduate Fellowship in 2012. In my research I apply a data-driven approach to better understand malicious activity on the Internet. Through the collection and analysis of large-scale datasets, I develop novel and robust mitigation techniques to make the Internet a safer place. My research involves a mix of quantitative analysis, (some) qualitative analysis, machine learning, crime science, and systems design. As examples, recently I have been investigating the spread of alternative news on online social networks, raids organized by trolls against other Internet users, cyberbullying, ransomware, online dating scams, money laundering schemes linked to cybercrime, malware delivery networks, and online social network compromises.
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