SEAMS 2023
Mon 15 - Tue 16 May 2023 Melbourne, Australia
co-located with ICSE 2023
Anastasiia Birillo

Registered user since Thu 16 Dec 2021

Name:Anastasiia Birillo


  • In 2017 graduated with distinction from the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics of St. Petersburg State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Fundamental Informatics and Information Technology.
  • In 2020 graduated with distinction from the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics of St. Petersburg State University with a Master’s Degree in Software and Administration of Information Systems.
  • In 2020 graduated from the Data Science, Software Engineering и Computer Science departments of Computer Science Center.

Professional Activity

Currently, I work on projects related to education in Computer Science. Other my projects are connected to the compiler and analysis of the Kotlin language. My current active projects are:

  • Reflekt - a plugin for Kotlin compiler for compile-time reflection. The repository link is - link.
  • LUPA - a platform for the large scale analysis of programming language usage. The repository link is - link.
  • Code quality assessment for online learning platforms - developing a tool for running a set of pre-configured analyzers and evaluating code quality. It is used on the Hyperskill and Stepik platforms to check the quality of learners’ code. The repository link is - link. Currently we develop a machine learning model to detect more complex problems
  • Coding-Assistant (paused) - a project to develop an intelligent tutoring system for novices Python programmers. The project is developing a plugin for PyCharm to generate the next step in solving programming problems. A set of transformations for the Python language was implemented to unify the code. We also developed a tool for tracking code changes while solving programming problems.
Affiliation:JetBrains Research
Research interests:Education, IDE, Tools, Code Analysis, Compilers


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