SEAMS 2023
Mon 15 - Tue 16 May 2023 Melbourne, Australia
co-located with ICSE 2023
Mon 15 May 2023
Tue 16 May 2023
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Mon 15 May

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09:00 - 10:30
SEAMS 2023 Opening & Keynote 1Research Track / Artifact Track at Meeting Room 105
Chair(s): Radu Calinescu University of York, UK, Pooyan Jamshidi University of South Carolina, Raffaela Mirandola Politecnico di Milano
SEAMS Opening
Research Track

Human-centric (Self-Adaptive) Software Engineering
Research Track
John Grundy Monash University
11:00 - 12:30
Session 1: Control engineering for self adaptationResearch Track / Artifact Track at Meeting Room 105
Chair(s): Siobhán Clarke Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Adapting Specifications for Reactive Controllers
Research Track
Titus Buckworth , Dalal Alrajeh Imperial College London, Sebastian Uchitel Imperial College London & University of Buenos Aires, Jeffrey Kramer
Design and Evaluation of Controllers based on Microservices
Research Track
Bento Siqueira , Fabiano Ferrari Federal University of São Carlos, Rogério de Lemos University of Kent, UK
SeMaFoR - Self-Management of Fog Resources with Collaborative Decentralized Controllers
Research Track
Control Action Types - Patterns of Applied Control for Self-adaptive Systems
Research Track
Christian Kröher University of Hildesheim, Lea Gerling , Klaus Schmid Stiftung University Hildesheim
13:45 - 15:15
Session 2: Digital twins and non-functional propertiesResearch Track / Artifact Track at Meeting Room 105
Chair(s): Sona Ghahremani Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam
Dynamic Runtime Integration of New Models in Digital Twins
Research Track
Adaptive Controllers and Digital Twin for Self-Adaptive Robotic Manipulators
Research Track
Farid Edrisi Linnaeus University, Diego Pérez Linnaeus University, Mauro Caporuscio Linnaeus University, Samuele Giussani Linnaeus University
Towards a Robust On-line Performance Model Identification for Change Impact Prediction
Research Track
Yar Rouf , Joydeep Mukherjee , Marin Litoiu York University, Canada
Adaptively Managing Reliability of Machine Learning Perception under Changing Operating Conditions
Research Track
Aniket Salvi , Gereon Weiss Fraunhofer IKS, Mario Trapp Fraunhofer IESE
15:45 - 17:15
Session 3: Community DebateResearch Track / Artifact Track at Meeting Room 105
Chair(s): Jon Whittle CSIRO's Data61 and Monash University
Are the solutions developed by the self-adaptive systems community mature enough for industrial adoption?
Research Track
Melanie Ayre , Rogério de Lemos University of Kent, UK, Danny Weyns KU Leuven, Olivia Sackett
17:30 - 19:00
SEAMS SC MeetingResearch Track at Meeting Room 105
SEAMS SC Meeting
Research Track

19:00 - 22:00
SEAMS BanquetResearch Track / Artifact Track at Offsite

Banquet at BoHo South Wharf:

SEAMS Banquet
Research Track

Tue 16 May

Displayed time zone: Hobart change

09:00 - 10:30
Keynote 2 & Session 4: Self-optimization and self-evolutionResearch Track / Artifact Track at Meeting Room 105
Chair(s): Radu Calinescu University of York, UK, Myra Cohen Iowa State University, Pooyan Jamshidi University of South Carolina
SE4LESAS: Software Engineering for Learning-Enabled Self-Adaptive Systems
Research Track
Betty H.C. Cheng Michigan State University
From Self-Adaptation to Self-Evolution
Research Track
Danny Weyns KU Leuven, Jesper Andersson Linnaeus University
Self-Optimizing Agents Using Mixed Initiative Behavior Trees
Research Track
Mohamed Behery RWTH Aachen University, Germany, Minh Trinh , Christian Brecher , Gerhard Lakemeyer
11:00 - 12:30
Session 5: Runtime decision-making and human in the loopResearch Track / Artifact Track at Meeting Room 105
Chair(s): Amel Bennaceur The Open University, UK
Runtime Verification of Self-Adaptive Systems with Changing Requirements
Research Track
Marc Carwehl Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Thomas Vogel Humboldt-Universtität zu Berlin, Genaína Nunes Rodrigues University of Brasília, Lars Grunske Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Runtime Resolution of Feature Interactions through Adaptive Requirement Weakening
Research Track
Simon Chu , Emma Shedden , Changjian Zhang Carnegie Mellon University, Rômulo Meira-Góes Carnegie Mellon University, Gabriel A. Moreno Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute, David Garlan Carnegie Mellon University, Eunsuk Kang Carnegie Mellon University
Architecture-based Uncertainty Impact Analysis to ensure Confidentiality
Research Track
Sebastian Hahner Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Robert Heinrich Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Ralf Reussner Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and FZI - Research Center for Information Technology (FZI)
Preference Adaptation: user satisfaction is all you need!
Research Track
NIANYU LI Peking University, China, Mingyue Zhang Peking University, China, Jialong Li Waseda University, Japan, Eunsuk Kang Carnegie Mellon University, Kenji Tei Waseda University
13:45 - 15:15
Session 6: Self-adaptation of cyber-physical and mission-critical systemsResearch Track / Artifact Track at Meeting Room 105
Chair(s): Genaina Rodrigues University of Brasilia
Hazard Analysis for Self-Adaptive Systems Using System-Theoretic Process Analysis
Research Track
Simon Diemert University of Victoria, Canada, Jens Weber University of Victoria
PlanIoT: A Framework for Adaptive Data Flow Management in IoT-enhanced Spaces
Research Track
Houssam Hajj Hassan SAMOVAR, Télécom SudParis, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Georgios Bouloukakis SAMOVAR, Télécom SudParis, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Ajay Kattepur Ericsson Research, Denis Conan SAMOVAR, Télécom SudParis, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Djamel Belaïd
Self-Adaptive Mechanisms for Misconfigurations in Small Uncrewed Aerial Systems
Research Track
Salil Purandare , Urjoshi Sinha , Md Nafee Al Islam , Jane Cleland-Huang University of Notre Dame, Myra Cohen Iowa State University
SUAVE: An Exemplar for Self-Adaptive Underwater Vehicles
Artifact Track
Gustavo Rezende Silva Cognitive Robotics, Delft University of Technology, Juliane Päßler , Jeroen Zwanepol , Elvin Alberts , Silvia Lizeth Tapia Tarifa University of Oslo, Norway, Ilias Gerostathopoulos Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Einar Broch Johnsen University of Oslo, Carlos Hernández Corbato Delft University of Technology
15:45 - 17:15
Session 7: Frameworks for self-adaptive systems & SEAMS 2023 ClosingResearch Track / Artifact Track at Meeting Room 105
Chair(s): Luciano Baresi Politecnico di Milano, Danny Weyns KU Leuven, Rogério de Lemos University of Kent, UK
Artifact: Implementation of an Adaptive Flow Management Framework for IoT Spaces
Artifact Track
Houssam Hajj Hassan SAMOVAR, Télécom SudParis, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Georgios Bouloukakis SAMOVAR, Télécom SudParis, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Ajay Kattepur , Denis Conan SAMOVAR, Télécom SudParis, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Djamel Belaïd
CHESS: A Framework for Evaluation of Self-adaptive Systems based on Chaos Engineering
Artifact Track
Sehrish Malik Simula Research Laboratory, Syed Moeen Ali Naqvi Simula Research Laboratory and University of Oslo, Leon Moonen Simula Research Laboratory and BI Norwegian Business School
Pre-print Media Attached
A Distributed MAPE-K Framework for Self-Protective IoT Devices
Research Track
Michael Riegler Johannes Kepler University Linz, Johannes Sametinger , Michael Vierhauser Johannes Kepler University Linz
SEAMS Most Influential Paper Awards 2012 and 2013
Research Track

SEAMS 2023 Best Paper Awards, SEAMS 2024 Presentation, Closing Remarks
Research Track

Accepted Papers

Adapting Specifications for Reactive Controllers
Research Track
Adaptive Controllers and Digital Twin for Self-Adaptive Robotic Manipulators
Research Track
Adaptively Managing Reliability of Machine Learning Perception under Changing Operating Conditions
Research Track
A Distributed MAPE-K Framework for Self-Protective IoT Devices
Research Track
Architecture-based Uncertainty Impact Analysis to ensure Confidentiality
Research Track
Control Action Types - Patterns of Applied Control for Self-adaptive Systems
Research Track
Design and Evaluation of Controllers based on Microservices
Research Track
Dynamic Runtime Integration of New Models in Digital Twins
Research Track
From Self-Adaptation to Self-Evolution
Research Track
Hazard Analysis for Self-Adaptive Systems Using System-Theoretic Process Analysis
Research Track
On the Need for Artifacts to Support Research on Self-Adaptation Mature for Industrial Adoption (debate paper)
Research Track
PlanIoT: A Framework for Adaptive Data Flow Management in IoT-enhanced Spaces
Research Track
Preference Adaptation: user satisfaction is all you need!
Research Track
Runtime Resolution of Feature Interactions through Adaptive Requirement Weakening
Research Track
Runtime Verification of Self-Adaptive Systems with Changing Requirements
Research Track
SEAMS Banquet
Research Track

SEAMS SC Meeting
Research Track

Self-Adaptive Mechanisms for Misconfigurations in Small Uncrewed Aerial Systems
Research Track
Self-Optimizing Agents Using Mixed Initiative Behavior Trees
Research Track
SeMaFoR - Self-Management of Fog Resources with Collaborative Decentralized Controllers
Research Track
Software Self-adaptation and Industry: Blame MAPE-K (debate paper)
Research Track
Towards a Robust On-line Performance Model Identification for Change Impact Prediction
Research Track

Call for Papers

Today we are building an exciting future in which autonomous vehicles navigate complex environments, smart cities help solve public problems and achieve a higher quality of life, and service robots support social care workers or perform tasks that are too dangerous for humans. However, these software-intensive systems must continuously preserve and optimize their operation in the presence of uncertain changes in their operating environment, resource variability, evolving user needs, attacks and faults. In addition, the complexity of these systems demands them to adapt and manage themselves autonomously.

SEAMS is a CORE-A ranked conference that applies software engineering methods, techniques, processes, and tools to support the construction of safe, performant, and cost-effective self-adaptive and autonomous systems that provide self-* properties like self-configuration, self-healing, self-optimization, and self-protection. The objective of SEAMS is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and government to investigate, discuss, examine, and advance the fundamental principles, state of the art, and the solutions addressing critical challenges of engineering self-adaptive and self-managing systems.

NEW: SEAMS 2023 will use two submission rounds for the Research Track, with firm deadlines in October 2022 and February 2023, and with the possibility of submitting a revised version from the first round to the second as detailed below.

Topics of Interest

We welcome research contributions to all topics related to engineering self-adaptive and self-managing systems, including:

Foundational Concepts

  • Self-* properties
  • Uncertainty
  • Runtime models and variability
  • Mixed-initiative and human-in-the-loop/human-on-the-loop
  • Ethical challenges

Engineering Strategies

  • AI and machine learning
  • Automatic synthesis techniques
  • Control theory
  • Search-based techniques
  • Model checking
  • Simulation and digital twins

Engineering Activities

  • Domain/environment analysis
  • Requirements elicitation
  • Security and privacy
  • Architecture and design
  • Testing and assurances
  • Automated maintenance
  • Systematic reuse
  • Processes and methodologies
  • Self-adaptation for software engineering


  • Formal notations for self-* properties
  • Domain-specific languages
  • Programming language support

Application areas and domains include but are not limited to industrial internet of things, cyber-physical systems, cloud/fog/edge computing, bioengineering, robotics, smart environments, smart user interfaces, web applications, and automotive.

Types of Papers

We solicit three types of papers:

  • Research papers 10 pages of content + 2 pages of references: papers offering novel and mature research contributions and experiences gained from applying or evaluating research results in practice.

  • Short papers: 6 pages of content + 1 page of references: papers presenting ongoing research or new research ideas without a complete evaluation.

  • Community debate 2 pages, possibly with a supporting video: Participants from industry and academia who would like to participate in the SEAMS 2023 community debate are strongly encouraged to submit a short position paper on the statement: “Are the solutions developed by the self-adaptive systems community mature enough for industrial adoption?” A submission should clearly take a position in favor or against the statement and support this position with arguments.

For additional information on how to submit papers to SEAMS 2023, please see the Submission tab.

Besides research papers, the SEAMS organizers encourage the submissions of artifacts. Artifacts can be associated with research papers, or they can be as standalone contributions. For both options, artifacts should be submitted to the artifact track.

SUBMISSION LINK: Abstracts and papers must be submitted via EasyChair:

Submission and Important Dates

NEW: SEAMS 2023 will use two submission rounds for the Research Track, with firm deadlines in October 2022 and February 2023, and with the possibility of submitting a revised version from the first round to the second as detailed below.

First Submission Round

  • Abstract deadline (firm): 1 October 2022
  • Paper submission due (firm): 7 October 2022
  • Notification of decision (Accept / Revision / Reject) to authors: 15 December 2022
    • Submissions with Accept decisions: Final paper files (camera-ready copy) due: 1 February 2023
    • Submissions with Revision decisions: Submit a revised version along with a response letter to the reviews by 1 February 2023 (see Second submission round).
    • Submissions with Reject decisions: Final decision, authors of the rejected papers from the first round may not submit the same paper again in the second round. Submitting a new paper in the second round is possible (see explanation below).

Second submission round

  • Abstract deadline for new submissions (firm): 25 January 2023
  • Paper, new and revised round-one papers submission due (firm): 1 February 2023
  • Notification of decision (Accept / Reject): 8 March 2023
  • Final paper for new and revised submissions (camera-ready copy) due: 24 March 2023

The round 2 submission of a new paper that tackles the same or a similar problem relevant to SEAMS in a way that shares commonalities with a rejected round 1 paper is not restricted. Such a submission would be handled as an independent paper, although you need to consider the fact that the PC members who reviewed your round 1 paper may also bid to review your round 2 submission.

Author Responses

Authors of papers that receive “Revision” decisions in the first round will have the opportunity to submit a revised version of their papers to the second round. The authors are required to provide a response letter that (1) explains how the comments have been tackled, (2) provides answers to the questions posed by reviewers.

Paper Submission

Papers must comply with the following ICSE submission guidelines:

  • Submissions must conform to the IEEE conference proceedings template, specified in the IEEE Conference Proceedings Formatting Guidelines (title in 24pt font and full text in 10pt type, LaTeX users must use \documentclass[10pt,conference]{IEEEtran} without including the compsoc or compsocconf options).
  • By submitting to SEAMS, authors acknowledge that they are aware of and agree to be bound by the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism and the IEEE Plagiarism FAQ. In particular, papers submitted to SEAMS 2023 must not have been published elsewhere and must not be under review or submitted for review elsewhere whilst under consideration for SEAMS 2023. Contravention of this concurrent submission policy will be deemed a serious breach of scientific ethics, and appropriate action will be taken in all such cases. To check for double submission and plagiarism issues, the chairs reserve the right to (1) share the list of submissions with the PC Chairs of other conferences with overlapping review periods and (2) use external plagiarism detection software, under contract to the ACM or IEEE, to detect violations of these policies.

Notification and Publication

Accepted papers will appear in the SEAMS 2023 proceedings that will be published in the IEEE and ACM digital libraries. The official publication date is the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work. Purchase of additional pages in the proceedings is not allowed.

Authors of selected Research papers will be invited to submit revised and extended versions of their work to a dedicated Special Issue of ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS).

If a submission is accepted, at least one author of the paper must register for and attend SEAMS 2023 and present the paper. The presentation is expected to be delivered in person unless this is impossible due to travel limitations (related to, e.g., health, visa, or COVID-19). For those who cannot travel in person to present their work, we will provide the opportunity to present their work remotely.


SEAMS delivers the following awards to Research papers:

  • Best paper
  • Best student paper