SEAMS 2023
Mon 15 - Tue 16 May 2023 Melbourne, Australia
co-located with ICSE 2023
Antonio Martini

Registered user since Tue 22 Aug 2017

Name:Antonio Martini

Antonio is Associate Professor at the University of Oslo. His experience covers Software Engineering and Management in several contexts: large, embedded software companies, small, web companies, business to business companies, startups. His expertise ranges from technical programming to software architecture and software quality, to Agile ways of working.

Antonio has worked with several companies, such as Ericsson, Volvo, Jeppesen, Siemens etc. He has worked as Principal Strategic Researcher at CA Technologies for a co-financed project by the H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant of the European Union and have also started his own company running projects such as with Ericsson and Volvo Group IT to manage and visualize Technical Debt. Antonio is developing a process and a tool (AnaConDebt) to manage and visualize Technical Debt in large companies. The tool is being evaluated and employed in practice.

The current focus of Antonio’s research is on Technical Debt, Architecture, Technical Leadership and Agile software development. Antonio is active in the TechDebt community and is part of the organization for such event. Antonio is interested in any kind of Technical Debt, to keep the good ones and to get rid of the bad ones. It’s a techno-economical decision to make, and Antonio is committed to study technical and non-technical aspects to improve the current practices.

Antonio is also interested in Large-scale Agile Software Development and on how teams follow technical leadership to provide a sound architecture to the overall product.

Affiliation:University of Oslo, Norway
Research interests:Technical Debt, Agile Software Development, Software Metrics, Communication


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