Mon 6 - Fri 10 October 2025 Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Thomas LaToza

Registered user since Wed 28 May 2014

Name:Thomas LaToza

Thomas LaToza is an Associate Professor of Computer Science in the School of Computing at George Mason University. He leads DevX, the Developer Experience Design Lab. His work draws on empirical studies of programming practice to inform the design of new types of tools for programming, debugging, and software design. His work on microtask programming helped inspire several recent startups. His early work, in collaboration with Microsoft Research, helped lay the foundations for many of the contemporary uses of empiricism in software engineering. He has served on numerous program committees, served as General Chair of the Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, was recognized as a George Mason University Teacher of Distinction, and has received several awards for his research.

Country:United States
Affiliation:George Mason University
Research interests:Developer Tools, Developer Experience Design, Debugging, Program Comprehension


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