Registered user since Sun 1 Mar 2020
I’m a researcher at Microsoft Research Cambridge and an affiliated lecturer of computer science at the University of Cambridge.
I study: (1) how to design human interfaces for artificial intelligence, and (2) how to help people program and interact with data. The two have more in common than you’d think!
I advise the UK government, other national governments, and regulatory bodies. I advise on matters relating to technology, society, automation, and data.
In 2016 I completed my PhD in computer science at the University of Cambridge, as a member of the marvellous Graphics and Interaction Group (“Rainbow”). I was jointly supervised by Alan Blackwell, Mateja Jamnik, and Martin Spott. Prior to that, I completed my BA and MEng in computer science, also at Cambridge, in 2012 and 2013 respectively.
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the Research Papers-track
- Correspondence-based analogies for choosing problem representations in mathematics and computing education
- General Chair in Organizing Committee within the Workshop: Intelligence in Spreadsheets and End-User Programming (ISEUP)-track
- Understanding and Inferring Units in Spreadsheets
- Session Chair of Data Science (part of Research Papers)
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