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VL/HCC 2020
Tue 11 - Fri 14 August 2020 Dunedin, New Zealand

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Name:Benjamin Cowan

My academic interests can be summarised (crudely) as focusing on how technology psychologically affects the user when in interaction and how technology can influence behaviour. My current research focuses on the areas of human-computer dialogue and social computing user experience. More specifically I’m interested how design impacts or perceptions of computer partners as well as commonly observed linguistic behaviours such as lexical and syntactic alignment. In terms of social computing, I’m interested in the role of design and individual differences in anxiety towards content contribution online and how this affects contribution frequency as well as what motivates people to provide online reviews. Although I have experience using qualitative approaches, much of my work uses the scientific method focusing on quantitative analysis, questionnaires, statistics and controlled experiment design.

Affiliation:University College Dublin


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