VL/HCC 2020 (series) / Brian Hempel

Registered user since Fri 22 Jan 2016
Name:Brian Hempel
I’m a Ph.D. student exploring novel programming environments. The main thing I’ve learned so far in my graduate studies is that the languages aren’t the problem, and the programming environments aren’t either (at least not directly): it’s the operating systems that are the problem. Unix and friends are decent abstractions and resource managers over the hardware, but are inadequate for facilitating communication between programs and inadequate for user-defined composition of programs. Unix brainwashed us into thinking that a pile of bytes is the correct medium for IPC. We need something better!
Country:United States
Affiliation:University of Chicago
Personal website: http://people.cs.uchicago.edu/~brianhempel/
Research interests:Programming Languages
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