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VL/HCC 2020
Tue 11 - Fri 14 August 2020 Dunedin, New Zealand

Registered user since Sun 2 Aug 2020

Name:Jan Borchers

Jan Borchers leads the Media Computing Group in the Computer Science Department at RWTH Aachen University. With his team, he studies, designs, and develops new interaction techniques and technologies. His group is one of Germany’s best-published research labs at CHI, the premier international HCI conference. Before joining RWTH, he held faculty positions at Stanford University and ETH Zurich. He helped bring the concept of HCI Design Patterns to the HCI community. As part of his interest in Personal Digital Fabrication, he has also been running Germany’s first Fab Lab since 2009.

Affiliation:RWTH Aachen University
Research interests:Human-Computer Interaction, Personal Digital Fabrication


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