VL/HCC 2020 (series) / John Grundy

Registered user since Sun 7 May 2017
Name:John Grundy
I am currently Australian Laureate Fellow and a Professor of Software Engineering at Monash University. I hold the BSc(Hons), MSc and PhD degrees, all in Computer Science, from the University of Auckland. I am a Fellow of Automated Software Engineering, Fellow of Engineers Australia, Certified Professional Engineer, Engineering Executive, Member of the ACM and Senior Member of the IEEE.
Affiliation:Monash University
Personal website: https://sites.google.com/site/johncgrundy/
Research interests:Software Engineering
- Human-centric Software Engineering
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the Research Papers-track
- A Study of the Effects of Narration on Comprehension and Memorability of Visualisations
- End-User-Oriented Tool Support for Modeling Data Analytics Requirements
- The Effect of Narration on User Comprehension and Recall of Information Visualisations
- A Study of the Effects of Narration on Comprehension and Memorability of Visualisations
- Supporting multi-view development for mobile applications
- Supporting multi-view development for mobile applications
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