VL/HCC 2020 (series) / Martin Kropp

Registered user since Fri 9 Mar 2018
Name:Martin Kropp
I am professor for Software Engineering at the Institute of Mobile and Distributed Systems of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland .
I am teaching courses at Bachelor and Masters degree in Software Engineering, Software Construction. Software testing and C# and .NET programming within the department of Computer Science.
My research is focused around everything that helps to make software development more efficient.
This includes: Agile Methodologies, Tool supported Agile Collaboration, Automated Software Construction, Software Metrics and Analysis
Affiliation:University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland
Personal website: https://www.fhnw.ch/en/people/martin-kropp
Research interests:Software Engineering, Agile Development, Testing, Build Automation, Empirical Studies in Software Engineering, Software Quality
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