VL/HCC 2020 (series) / Mohamed Abdelrazek

Registered user since Sat 7 Apr 2018
Name:Mohamed Abdelrazek
I am Associate Professor of Software Engineering and Internet-of-Things at Deakin University, Australia. I have been in software industry and academia for two decades. I became full academic in 2015, and since then, I have attracted more than $7M in funding from ARC, industry & defence.
Affiliation:Deakin University
Personal website: https://sites.google.com/view/mohamedabdelrazek/
Research interests:Software Engineering; Machine Learning; IoT
- The Effect of Narration on User Comprehension and Recall of Information Visualisations
- Workshops Co-Chair in Organizing Committee
- A Study of the Effects of Narration on Comprehension and Memorability of Visualisations
- Workshops Co-Chair in Program Committee within the Workshops and Tutorials-track
- A Study of the Effects of Narration on Comprehension and Memorability of Visualisations
- End-User-Oriented Tool Support for Modeling Data Analytics Requirements
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