VL/HCC 2020 (series) / Steve Oney

Registered user since Mon 31 Oct 2016
Name:Steve Oney
Steve Oney is an Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan School of Information. His research focuses on enabling and encouraging more people to write and customize computer programs by creating new programming tools and exploring usability issues in programming environments.
Country:United States
Affiliation:University of Michigan
Personal website: http://from.so
Research interests:End-User Programming, CSCW
- Welcome
- Bashon: A Hybrid Crowd-Machine Workflow for Shell Command Synthesis
- EdCode: Towards Personalized Support at Scale for Remote Assistance in CS Education
- Graduate Consortium Chair in Program Committee within the Graduate Consortium-track
- Graduate Consortium Chair in Organizing Committee
- Wrap-up & Academic Skills Discussion
VL/HCC 2020-profile
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