VL/HCC 2020 (series) / Veronica Catete

Registered user since Mon 20 Oct 2014
Name:Veronica Catete
Dr. Veronica Cateté is a Research Scientist studying block-based K12 Computer Science education, both as a standalone course (formal/informal) and when integrated into other subject areas. Her research looks at scaffolding assignments and teacher/student collaboration methods for both student learning and teacher PD. She received her Ph.D. from North Carolina State University in 2018 and helps lead the Game2Learn research lab with Dr. Tiffany Barnes. Dr. Cateté is also the research director for the Pivot Academy project in Rwanda, infusing computational thinking and computing into secondary level science and math courses.
Country:United States
Affiliation:North Carolina State University
Personal website: http://game2learn.com
Research interests:K12 Computer Science Education; Software Engineering; Ethics in AI
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