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ICSE 2020
Wed 24 June - Thu 16 July 2020

The Software Engineering in Practice (SEIP) track is the privileged ICSE track for researchers and practitioners to discuss insights, innovations and solutions to concrete software engineering problems. Following its tradition, SEIP will gather highly-qualified industrial and research participants who are eager to discuss common interests in software engineering. The track will comprise invited and reviewed sessions, including paper presentations, reviewed talks, interactive sessions with a strong focus on software practice.

Tue 7 Jul 2020
Wed 8 Jul 2020
Thu 9 Jul 2020
Fri 10 Jul 2020
Sat 11 Jul 2020
ICSE Demonstrations
ICSE Journal First
ICSE New Ideas and Emerging Results
ICSE Software Engineering in Practice
ICSE Technical Papers
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Tue 7 Jul

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08:05 - 09:05
I6-Empirical Studies and RequirementsJournal First / Software Engineering in Practice / Technical Papers at Silla
Chair(s): Ita Richardson Lero - The Irish Software Research Centre and University of Limerick
Using a Context-Aware Approach to Recommend Code Reviewers: Findings from an Industrial Case StudySEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Anton Strand Ericsson AB, Markus Gunnarsson Ericsson AB, Ricardo Britto Ericsson / Blekinge Institute of Technology, Muhammad Usman Blekinge Institute of Technology
15:00 - 16:00
Code Level Model-Checking in the Software Development WorkflowArtifact ReusableArtifact AvailableSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Nathan Chong Amazon, Byron Cook Amazon, Konstantinos Kallas University of Pennsylvania, Kareem Khazem Amazon, Felipe R. Monteiro Amazon, Daniel Schwartz-Narbonne Amazon, n.n., Serdar Tasiran Amazon, n.n., Michael Tautschnig Amazon Web Services, Mark R. Tuttle Amazon
Pre-print Media Attached
16:05 - 17:05
A4-Cyber-Physical SystemsSoftware Engineering in Practice / Technical Papers / Demonstrations at Baekje
Chair(s): Joanne M. Atlee University of Waterloo
The Forgotten Case of the Dependency Bugs: On the Example of the Robot Operating SystemSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Anders Fischer-Nielsen IT University of Copenhagen, Zhoulai Fu IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Ting Su ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Andrzej Wąsowski IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
How do you Architect your Robots? State of the Practice and Guidelines for ROS-based SystemsArtifact ReusableArtifact AvailableSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Ivano Malavolta Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Grace Lewis Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, Bradley Schmerl Carnegie Mellon University, USA, Patricia Lago Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, David Garlan Carnegie Mellon University

Wed 8 Jul

Displayed time zone: (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time change

00:00 - 01:00
PRECFIX: Large-Scale Patch Recommendation by Mining Defect-Patch PairsSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Xindong Zhang Alibaba Group, Chenguang Zhu University of Texas, Austin, Yi Li Nanyang Technological University, Jianmei Guo Alibaba Group, Lihua Liu Alibaba Group, Haobo Gu Alibaba Group
Automated Bug Reproduction from User Reviews for Android ApplicationsSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Shuyue Li Xi'an Jiaotong University, Jiaqi Guo Xi'an Jiaotong University, Ming Fan Xi'an Jiaotong University, Jian-Guang Lou Microsoft Research, Qinghua Zheng Xi'an Jiaotong University, Ting Liu Xi'an Jiaotong University
01:05 - 02:05
P12-Testing and DebuggingJournal First / Software Engineering in Practice at Silla
Chair(s): Taeksu Kim Samsung Research, Samsung Electronics
Debugging Crashes using Continuous Contrast Set MiningSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Rebecca Qian Facebook, Inc., Yang Yu Purdue University, Wonhee Park Facebook, Inc., Vijayaraghavan Murali Facebook, Inc., Stephen J Fink Facebook, Satish Chandra Facebook
Automatic Abnormal Log Detection by Analyzing Log History for Providing Debugging InsightSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Jinhan Kim , Valeriy Savchenko Ivannikov Institute for System Programming of the RAS, Kihyuck Shin Samsung Electronics, Konstantin Sorokin Ivannikov Institute for System Programming of the RAS, Hyunseok Jeon Samsung Electronics, Georgiy Pankratenko Ivannikov Institute for System Programming of the RAS, Sergey Markov Ivannikov Institute for System Programming of the RAS, Chul-Joo Kim Samsung Electronics
15:00 - 16:00
Lack of Adoption of Units of Measurement Libraries: Survey and AnecdotesSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Steve McKeever Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University, Sweden, Omar-Alfred Salah Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University, Sweden

Thu 9 Jul

Displayed time zone: (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time change

00:00 - 01:00
P13-SecurityTechnical Papers / Software Engineering in Practice at Baekje
Chair(s): Joshua Garcia University of California, Irvine
Automated Identification of Libraries from Vulnerability DataSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Chen Yang Veracode, Inc., Andrew Santosa Veracode, Inc., Asankhaya Sharma Veracode, Inc., David Lo Singapore Management University
Pre-print Media Attached
Building and Maintaining a Third-Party Library Supply Chain for Productive and Secure SGX Enclave DevelopmentSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Pei Wang Baidu X-Lab, Yu Ding Baidu X-Lab, Mingshen Sun Baidu X-Lab, Huibo Wang Baidu X-Lab, Tongxin Li Baidu X-Lab, Rundong Zhou Baidu X-Lab, Zhaofeng Chen , Yiming Jing Baidu X-Lab
00:00 - 01:00
P14-TestingTechnical Papers / Software Engineering in Practice at Goguryeo
Chair(s): Shin Yoo Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Modeling and Ranking Flaky Tests at AppleSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Emily Kowalczyk Apple Inc., Karan Nair Apple, Zebao Gao Apple, Leopold Silberstein Apple Inc., Teng Long Apple, Atif Memon Apple Inc.
07:00 - 08:00
I13-Testing and Debugging 1Demonstrations / Technical Papers / Software Engineering in Practice / Journal First at Baekje
Chair(s): Shin Hwei Tan Southern University of Science and Technology
Property-based Testing for LG Home Appliances using Accelerated Software-in-the-Loop SimulationIEEE Software Best Software Engineering in Practice AwardSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Mingyu Park LG Electronics, Hoon Jang Hyundai Motor Company, Taejoon Byun University of Minnesota, Yunja Choi Kyungpook National University
07:00 - 08:00
Sharing at Scale: An Open-Source-Software-based License Compliance EcosystemSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Frances Paulisch Siemens Healthineers, Arun Azhakesan Siemens Healthineers
08:05 - 09:05
I17-Contracts and AnalysisDemonstrations / Technical Papers / Software Engineering in Practice / Journal First at Goguryeo
Chair(s): Jaechang Nam Handong Global University
How to reduce risk effectively in fixed price software developmentSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Volker Gruhn University Duisburg-Essen, Niklas Spitczok von Brisinski adesso AG
Escape from Escape Analysis of GolangSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Cong Wang Tsinghua University, Mingrui Zhang Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Yu Jiang , Huafeng Zhang Huawei Technologies, Hangzhou, China, Zhenchang Xing Australia National University, Ming Gu

Fri 10 Jul

Displayed time zone: (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time change

07:00 - 08:00
I19-Code Generation and VerificationTechnical Papers / Software Engineering in Practice / New Ideas and Emerging Results at Baekje
Chair(s): Raffi Khatchadourian City University of New York (CUNY) Hunter College
Rule-based Code Generation in Industrial Automation: Four Large-scale Case Studies applying the CAYENNE MethodSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Heiko Koziolek ABB Corporate Research, Andreas Burger ABB Corporate Research, Marie Platenius-Mohr ABB Corporate Research, Julius Rückert ABB Corporate Research, Hadil Abukwaik ABB Corporate Research, Raoul Jetley ABB, Abdulla PP ABB Corporate Research
Understanding and Handling Alert Storm for Online Service SystemsSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Nengwen Zhao Tsinghua University, Junjie Chen Tianjin University, Xiao Peng China EverBright Bank, Honglin Wang BizSeer, Xinya Wu BizSeer, Yuanzong Zhang BizSeer, Zikai Chen Tsinghua University, Xiangzhong Zheng BizSeer, Xiaohui Nie Tsinghua University, Gang Wang China EverBright Bank, Yong Wu China EverBright Bank, Fang Zhou China EverBright Bank, Wenchi Zhang BizSeer, Kaixin Sui BizSeer, Dan Pei Tsinghua University
07:00 - 08:00
I21-Version Control and ProgrammingTechnical Papers / Journal First / Software Engineering in Practice at Silla
Chair(s): Sunghun Kim Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Towards Understanding and Fixing Upstream Merge Induced Conflicts in Divergent Forks: An industrial Case StudySEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Chungha Sung University of Southern California, Shuvendu K. Lahiri Microsoft Research, Mike Kaufman Microsoft Corporation, Pallavi Choudhury Microsoft Corporation, Chao Wang USC
15:00 - 16:00
Assessing Practitioner BeliefsSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Shrikanth N C North Carolina State University, Tim Menzies North Carolina State University
Pre-print Media Attached

Sat 11 Jul

Displayed time zone: (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time change

00:00 - 01:00
Engineering for a Science-Centric Experimentation PlatformSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Nikos Diamantopoulos Netflix, Inc., Jeffrey Wong Netflix, Inc., David Issa Mattos Chalmers University of Technology, Ilias Gerostathopoulos Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Matthew Wardrop Netflix, Inc., Tobias Mao Netflix, Inc., Colin McFarland Netflix, Inc.
01:05 - 02:05
P28-Analysis and VerificationSoftware Engineering in Practice / Technical Papers / Demonstrations at Baekje
Chair(s): Rahul Purandare IIIT-Delhi
DeCaf: Diagnosing & Triaging Performance Issues in Large-Scale Cloud ServicesSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Chetan Bansal Microsoft Research, Sundararajan Renganathan Stanford University, Ashima Asudani Microsoft, Olivier Midy Microsoft, Mathru Janakiraman Amazon
01:05 - 02:05
P29-Android and Web TestingDemonstrations / Technical Papers / Software Engineering in Practice at Goguryeo
Chair(s): Hironori Washizaki Waseda University
JSidentify: A Hybrid Framework for Detecting Plagiarism Among JavaScript Code in Online Mini GamesSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Qun Xia Tencent Inc., Zhongzhu Zhou , Zhihao Li Tencent Inc., Bin Xu Tencent Inc., Wei Zou Tencent Inc., Zishun Chen Tencent Inc., Huafeng Ma Tencent Inc., Gangqiang Liang Tencent Inc., Haochuan Lu Fudan University, Shiyu Guo Tencent Inc., Ting Xiong Tencent Inc., Yuetang Deng Tencent, Inc., Tao Xie Peking University
15:00 - 16:00
A27-Software ArchitectureNew Ideas and Emerging Results / Journal First / Demonstrations / Software Engineering in Practice at Silla
Chair(s): Patrizio Pelliccione University of L'Aquila and Chalmers | University of Gothenburg
Piranha: Reducing Feature Flag Debt at UberSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Murali Krishna Ramanathan Uber Technologies Inc., Lazaro Clapp Uber Technologies Inc, Raj Barik Uber Technologies Inc., Manu Sridharan University of California Riverside
Software Development Data for Architecture Analysis: Expectation, Reality, and Future DirectionsSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Yuanfang Cai Drexel University, Rick Kazman University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
16:05 - 17:05
A30-Dependencies and ConfigurationTechnical Papers / Software Engineering in Practice at Silla
Chair(s): Diomidis Spinellis Athens University of Economics and Business
Exploring Differences and Commonalities between Feature Flags and Configuration OptionsSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Jens Meinicke Carnegie Mellon University, Chu-Pan Wong Carnegie Mellon University, Bogdan Vasilescu Carnegie Mellon University, Christian Kästner Carnegie Mellon University

Accepted Papers

Assessing Practitioner BeliefsSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Pre-print Media Attached
Automated Bug Reproduction from User Reviews for Android ApplicationsSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Automated Identification of Libraries from Vulnerability DataSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Pre-print Media Attached
Automatic Abnormal Log Detection by Analyzing Log History for Providing Debugging InsightSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Building and Maintaining a Third-Party Library Supply Chain for Productive and Secure SGX Enclave DevelopmentSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Code Level Model-Checking in the Software Development WorkflowArtifact ReusableArtifact AvailableSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Pre-print Media Attached
Debugging Crashes using Continuous Contrast Set MiningSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
DeCaf: Diagnosing & Triaging Performance Issues in Large-Scale Cloud ServicesSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Engineering for a Science-Centric Experimentation PlatformSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Escape from Escape Analysis of GolangSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Exploring Differences and Commonalities between Feature Flags and Configuration OptionsSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
How do you Architect your Robots? State of the Practice and Guidelines for ROS-based SystemsArtifact ReusableArtifact AvailableSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
How to reduce risk effectively in fixed price software developmentSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
JSidentify: A Hybrid Framework for Detecting Plagiarism Among JavaScript Code in Online Mini GamesSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Lack of Adoption of Units of Measurement Libraries: Survey and AnecdotesSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Modeling and Ranking Flaky Tests at AppleSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Piranha: Reducing Feature Flag Debt at UberSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
PRECFIX: Large-Scale Patch Recommendation by Mining Defect-Patch PairsSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Property-based Testing for LG Home Appliances using Accelerated Software-in-the-Loop SimulationIEEE Software Best Software Engineering in Practice AwardSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Rule-based Code Generation in Industrial Automation: Four Large-scale Case Studies applying the CAYENNE MethodSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Sharing at Scale: An Open-Source-Software-based License Compliance EcosystemSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Software Development Data for Architecture Analysis: Expectation, Reality, and Future DirectionsSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
The Forgotten Case of the Dependency Bugs: On the Example of the Robot Operating SystemSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Towards Understanding and Fixing Upstream Merge Induced Conflicts in Divergent Forks: An industrial Case StudySEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Understanding and Handling Alert Storm for Online Service SystemsSEIP
Software Engineering in Practice
Using a Context-Aware Approach to Recommend Code Reviewers: Findings from an Industrial Case StudySEIP
Software Engineering in Practice

Call for Papers

The Software Engineering in Practice (SEIP) Track is the premier venue for researchers and practitioners to discuss insights, innovations and solutions to concrete software engineering problems. After many decades of research, software engineering (SE) techniques and algorithms are gaining substantial momentum in industry: more companies produce SE-based tools and more software engineers use previously published ideas in their daily projects. SEIP provides a unique forum for networking, exchanging ideas, fostering innovations, and forging long-term collaborations to address SE research that impacts directly on practice. SEIP will gather highly-qualified industrial and research participants that are eager to communicate and share common interests in software engineering. The track will be composed of invited speeches, paper presentations, reviewed talks, interactive sessions with a strong focus on software practice.


We are seeking the following types of submissions, all of which must be written exclusively in English. We do not use double-blind review (i.e., authors do not have to hide their identities in their papers).

Full papers: (8-10 pages, including figures, tables, appendices, and references): Full papers address industrially-relevant problems through systematic investigations. Each paper should describe a problem of practical importance, explain how the problem was investigated and in what context, and present evidence for the paper’s conclusions. Other aspects that should be included if appropriate are: discussing why the resolution of the problem is innovative, (cost-) effective, or efficient; providing a concise explanation of the approach, techniques, and methodologies employed; and explaining the insights or best practices that emerged, tools developed, and/or software processes involved.

Full papers will appear in the ICSE SEIP Companion proceedings. IEEE Software will recognize the best paper of the SEIP track with an award at the conference.

Talk proposals (2 pages): Talks present topics that are likely to be relevant and interesting to both practitioners and researchers. Talk proposals should include the title, the name and affiliation of each presenter, a short abstract (150 words), and up to 8 keywords. In addition, the proposal should describe what the talk will be about, highlighting its key points and the reason why it is interesting to ICSE-SEIP attendees (500 words). Submissions should include a speaker biography and history, and they can include supporting materials such as whitepapers or videos.

Please note that the target audience of the talk proposal is the SEIP program committee. Talk proposals will be reviewed in two phases. The outcome of the first phase is either rejected or conditionally accepted for the next phase. In the second phase, submitters will be required to prepare the complete presentation. The target audience of the second phase talk proposal is the attendees of the SEIP track and readers of the proceedings. The committee will then review the presentations and make the final accept/reject decisions. Each accepted talk will be of 30 minutes duration and will be allowed two pages for an “extended abstract” in the ICSE SEIP Companion proceedings.

Interactive proposals (2 pages): Interactive sessions are aimed at practitioners but should be attractive for all audiences. Interactive sessions will be 60 minutes’ duration and will explore an aspect of practice in-depth. They may take the form of, for example, a panel discussion or live coding session (but should not aim to promote a specific proprietary tool). We welcome new and thought-provoking ideas and formats, and encourage submitters to contact the chairs at any time with their suggestions before making a formal proposal.

Interactive proposals should include a title, the name and affiliation of each presenter, a short abstract that describes the focus of the session and the outcomes for attendees (150 words), and up to 8 keywords. In addition, the proposal should describe why the session focus is important, outlining the session structure and the reason why it is interesting to ICSE-SEIP attendees (500 words). Like talk proposals, interactive proposals will be reviewed in two phases. The outcome of the first phase is either rejected or conditionally accepted for the next phase. In the second phase, submitters will be required to prepare a detailed plan of the session and a complete set of materials to be used. Each interactive session will be allowed two pages for an “extended abstract” in the ICSE SEIP Companion proceedings.

Formatting and Submission Links: Formatting instructions are available at https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template for both LaTeX and Word users. LaTeX users must use the provided acmart.cls and ACM-Reference-Format.bst without modification, enable the conference format in the preamble of the document (i.e., \documentclass[sigconf,review]{acmart}), and use the ACM reference format for the bibliography (i.e., \bibliographystyle{ACM-Reference-Format}). The review option adds line numbers, thereby allowing referees to refer to specific lines in their comments.


All submissions will be reviewed by members of the SEIP Program Committee. Submissions must not have been previously published or concurrently submitted elsewhere. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of relevance to industry, significance of contribution, and quality of presentation.

Special Issue

Authors from this track will be encouraged to submit an extended version of their work to Journal of Software: Practice and Experience’s special issue on software engineering in practice. The submission deadline is April 15, 2020.


Conference Attendance Expectation

If a submission is accepted, at least one author of the paper is required to register for and attend the full 3-day technical conference and present the paper in person.

Important Dates for Paper submissions

  • Submissions Due: Fri 4th Oct 2019
  • Notification of Acceptance: Mon 16th Dec 2019
  • Camera Ready Copy: Fri 7th Feb 2020

Important Dates for Talk and Interactive submissions

  • Phase 1 Submissions Due: Fri 4th Oct 2019
  • Phase 1 Notifications: Fri 22nd Nov 2019
  • Phase 2 Submissions Due: Mon 6th Jan 2020
  • Notification of Acceptance: Mon 20th Jan 2020
  • Camera Ready Copy: Fri 7th Feb 2020


If there are queries regarding the CFP, please contact the SEIP chairs (Mark Grechanik and Moonzoo Kim): icse2020seip@gmail.com.
